Monday, September 15, 2008

Microsoft Tools Evaluation

Because my friends and I are setting up tools made freely available to anyone by Microsoft, I have decided to give a try ;)

My opinion cannot be impartial because I am a Web app developer myself and I have been a heavy Google tools user for quite a long time. Anyway, with the actual openness Microsoft is demonstrating regarding Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) development, I think it is worth capturing some notes now that I will be able to revisit later to measure the progress in the Microsoft online offering.

The invite to use Microsoft Live tools came from Joël Quimper, a friend member of the Rencontres d'Architecture de Montréal (RAM) board. Joël has a good insight of Microsoft tools (he works there ;) and have been able to easily setup few tools: a space and an event list.

In order to be able to post blog entries, to manage events, and co-author the space page, I had to create a “Live ID”. Hopefully, I have been able to use my existing e-mail address (in the domain), skipping then Hotmail. This is a great permission!

Then I went to my space page to see how easy and convenient it is to blog. Not as good as Blogger is, so I have decided to reactivate this blog ;)

I have looked also at the personal calendar (a key tool to me) but I did not find it as straight as Google's one.

However, the possibility to publish events is really great: you can describe the event (fully HTML text), and the tool offers automatically links to allow visitors to report the event in their own agenda (Outlook, Live/Yahoo!/Google/Apple calendars). There is a possibility to add pictures, good to share souvenirs after a successful event, I imagine.

That's it for now.
A+, Dom

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