Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The JavaScript technology stack


I've been developing with the JavaScript language since 1999. I was then involved in the development of an administrative console for clusters of calendar servers. Coming from an experience in Windows development with the MFC environment, I quickly implemented the MVC pattern in the browser with a set of frames: one frame taking all the visible space to render the interface, another frame kept hidden (with height="0") for exchanging data with my service (implemented in C++ as a FastCGI module), and the frameset to save the state.
Later, while working for IBM Rational, I had the chance to discover the Dojo Toolkit in its early days (v0.4). After that experience, even if I extended my expertise on mobile (mainly native Android and cross-platform with Unity), I continued to contribute to Web projects. However, I did not have a chance to start a project from scratch, always having to deal with legacy code and constrained schedules... until I joined Ubisoft last February!

The presentation layer and user's input handling

Most of "Web developers" are more hackers than developers: they use PHP on the server to assemble HTML components, they use JavaScript to control the application behaviour in the browser, they control the interface from any place, and they deploy often without the safety net of automated tests... Their flexibility is a real asset for editorial teams but a nightmare for the quality assurance teams!
Here are my recommendations for the development of Web applications:
  • Use the server as little as possible when preparing the views, just to detect the browser user agent and the user's preferred language in order to deliver the adequate HTML template;
  • Define all the presentation elements with HTML, CSS, and images. Don't use the JavaScript to create HTML fragments on the fly, only if it clones parts of the HTML template;
  • Use the JavaScript to inject data and behaviour: switch from one section to another, submit a request to the server, display data and notifications, etc.
The main advantage of letting the presentation coded with HTML, CSS, and images is that it can be delegated to designers. Developers can take the materials designers have produced with Dreamweaver, for example, and insert the identifiers required to connect the JavaScript handlers. Or they provided the initial skeleton instrumented with these identifiers, and designers iterate over them freely. There are so many tools to optimize the presentation layer:
  • HTML minifier, going up to drop optional tags;
  • CSS minifier and tools to detect unused rules, like uncss;
  • Image optimizer and sprite generators.
Designers can then focus on defining on the best interface regardless optimization. The only limitations: don't let them introduce or depend on any JavaScript library!
As for choosing a JavaScript library, I recommend to consider the following points:
  • A mechanism to define modules and dependencies. The best specification is AMD (for Asynchronous Module Definition), implemented by RequireJS, Dojo, and jQuery, among others. Note that AngularJS has its own dependency injection mechanism.
  • Until ES6 (or ECMAScript 6) makes it standard, use a library that provide an implementation of Promise, especially useful for its all() method;
  • A test framework that reports about the code coverage. IMHO, without the code coverage statistics, it's difficult to judge the quality of the tests, then determine our ability to detect regressions early...
  • Even if you cannot rely on a dispatcher that detects user-agents and preferred languages, use the functionality of the has.js library or equivalent to expose methods for test purposes. Coupled with a smart build system, the exposed methods will be hidden in production.
  • Just minifying the JavaScript code is not sufficient. It's important to have the dead code removed (especially the one exposed just for test purposes). The Google Closure compiler should be part of your tool set.

The data access layer

In the last 10 years, my back-end services were always implemented in Java, sometimes with my own REST compliant library, sometimes with other libraries like Spring, RestEasy, Guice, etc. Java is an easy language to develop with and, with all the available tooling, ramping up new developers is not difficult. Without counting services like Google App Engine which hosts low profile applications for free.
On the other end, Java is really verbose and not done for asynchronicity. It lacks also the support of closures. And, as with many programming languages, nothing prevents you to use patterns to clarify the code behaviour.
At Ubisoft, I've been given the opportunity to host the back-end services on Node.js. The major factor in favor to Node.js is its WebSocket support (not yet decided between ws and The second factor is related to the nature of the application: 99% of the transactions between the clients and the server are short lived. Operations that require long computations are handled by services based on Redis and Hadoop. And finally, Node.js scales well.
When I joined the project, the team had a small working environment made a-la Node.js style: no clear definition of dependencies, a lot of nested callbacks to handle asynchronous behaviours, all presentation built with Jade, no commonly adopted patterns to organize the code logic, no unit tests (obvious as nested callbacks are nearly impossible to test!). I then rebooted the project with a better approach for the separation of concerns:
  • AMD as the format to define modules, with the Dojo loader to bootstrap the application;
  • Express to handle the RESTful entry points
  • A layered structure to process the requests:
    • Resource: one class per entity, to gather data from the input streams, and forwarding them to the service layer;
    • Service: one class per entity, possibly communicating with other services when data should be aggregated for many entities;
    • DAO: one class per entity, controlling data from the file system, from MongoDB, from MySQL or from another service over HTTP.
  • A set of classes modelling each entities; I imposed this layer to serve two needs: 1) allow some restrictions of entities (attributes can be declared mandatory or read-only, or need to match a regular expression) and 2) support non destructive partial updates.
  • Unit tests to cover 100% of the implemented logic.
At this stage, the most complex classes are the base classes for the MongoDB and the MySQL DAOs (I judge their complexity by the tests that requires 3 times more code). But with the help of Promises, the code is elegant and compact ;)
 * Select the identified resources, or all resources if not filter nor range are specified
 * @Param {Object} filters bag of key/value pairs to be used as a filter the resources to be returned
 * @Param {Range} range limit the number of results returned
 * @Param {Object} order bag of key/value pairs to be used to order the results
 * @Return a Promise with a list of resources as the parameter of the onSuccess method
 * @Throw error with code 204-NO CONTENT if the selection is empty, as a parameter of the onFailure method of the promise
select: function (filters, range, order) {
    return all([this._select(filters, range, order), this._count(filters)]).then(function (responses) { = responses[1];
        responses[0].range = range;
        return responses[0];

// Helper forwarding the SELECT request to the MySql connection
_select: function (filters, range, order) {
    var query = this.getSelectQuery(filters, range, order),
        ModelClass = this.ModelClass;

    return this._getConnection().then(function (connection) {
        var dfd = new Deferred();

        connection.query(query, function (err, rows) {
            if (err) {
                _forwardError(dfd, 500, 'Query to DB failed:' + query, err);

            var idx, limit = rows.length,
                entities = [];
            if (limit === 0) {
                _forwardError(dfd, 204, 'No entity match the given criteria', 'Query with no result: ' + query);
            for (idx = 0; idx < limit; idx += 1) {
                entities.push(new ModelClass(rows[idx]));

        return dfd.promise;

// Helper forwarding the COUNT request to the MySql connection
_count: function (filters) {
    var query = this.getCountQuery(filters);

    return this._getConnection().then(function (connection) {
        var dfd = new Deferred();

        connection.query(query, function (err, rows) {
            if (err) {
                _forwardError(dfd, 500, 'Query to DB failed:' + query, err);


        return dfd.promise;
Code sample: the select() method of the MySqlDao, and its two direct helpers.
Few comments on the code illustrated above:
  • Each helper wraps the asynchronicity with callbacks of the MySQL plugin into Promise (via the Deferred class);
  • The main entry point relies on the Promise all() method to convey the request result only when the responses from the two helpers are ready;
  • The method _getConnection() returns a Promise which is resolved with a connection from the MySQL pool (i.e. from mysql.createPool().getConnection());
  • The method _forwardError() is a simple helper logging the error and rejecting the Promise; at the highest level, express use the error code as the status for the HTTP response;
  • The method _select() converts each results into an instance of the specified model, providing transparently a support for field validation and partial updates;
  • With the use of given ModelClass, this MySqlDao class acts like a Java and C# Generics.

The persistence layer

I'm not a DBA and will never be one. Regarding the piece of code above, one of my colleague proposed to update the query for the SELECT in order to get the record count at the same time. It would be repeated with each rows but it would save a round trip. At the end, I decided to keep the code as-is because it's consistent with the code of the MongoDB DAO. We'll measure the impact of the improvement later when the entire application is ready.
If I'm not an expert, I always had to deal with databases: Oracle 10g, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL for the relational databases and Google datastore and MongoDB for the Non-SQL ones. My current project relies on MongoDB where player's session information are stored and on MySQL which stores static information. I like working with MongoDB because of its ability to work with documents instead of rows of normalized values. It is very flexible, well aligned with entities used client-side. And MongoDB is highly scalable.
Once the DAOs have been correctly defined, implemented, and tested, dealing with any database at the service level is transparent. Developers can focus on the business logic while DBAs optimize the database settings and deployments.

The continuous integration

Java is an easy language to deal with. First, they are a lot of very good IDE, like Eclipse and IntelliJ. Then, they are plenty of test tools to help verifying the code behaves as expected&em;my favorites ones are JUnit, Mockito, and Cobertura. And finally Java applications can be remotely debugged, profiled, and even obfuscated.
In the past, I controlled the quality of my JavaScript code with JSUnit and JSCoverage. Now I recommend Intern to run unit tests efficiently with Node.js and functional tests with Selenium. I really like Intern because it's AMD compliant, it produces coverage reports, and it mainly do organize my tests as I want! A small run of around 1,000 unit tests by Node.js takes around 5 seconds. The functional test suite with 20 green-path scenarios takes 20 seconds to run in Firefox and Chrome in parallel.
Here is a small nonetheless important point about Intern flexibility:
  • I want my tests to work on modules totally isolated one from another. To have them isolated, I inject mocks to replace the injected dependencies in the module to be tested.
  • Intern suggested way requires:
    • Removing the module to be tested from the AMD cache, with require.undef([mid]);;
    • Replacing references of dependent classes by mock ones, with require({map: { '*': { [normal-mid]: [mock-mid] } });;
    • Reloading the module to be tested that will now use the mock classes instead of the original ones;
    • Calling and verifying the behaviour of the module.
  • Currently, I prefer instrumenting the modules with the help of dojo/has to be able to access private methods and replace on-the-fly dependent classes with mock ones. Each test injects the required mocks, and the afterEach test method restore all original dependent classes.
  • My Intern configuration file contains the definition used by dojo/has to expose test-friendly methods, while my index.html and my app.profile.js (used by the Dojo build system) leave it undefined. So these methods are not accessible from the browser, and not even defined in the built code.
  • With the help of Mockery, I can test everything, up to the classes controlling the access to MySQL, as illustrated above.
In the Java world, maven has replaced ant as the configuration tool of choice. In the JavaScript world, developers have to rely on many tools:
  • Node.js, npm, and bower to manage the libraries required server-side (npm) and client-side (bower);
  • Grunt to run administrative tasks like: building CSS file from Stylus ones, running the tests, compiling the code, deploying the built code, etc.
  • Intern produces test and coverage reports for Jenkins and TeamCity CI tools.

The development environment

My editor of choice is Brackets, by Adobe. It's a very powerful tool, still being actively developed, so continuously better than before. It has a lot of extensions, like an interactive linter and the Theseus debugger. And debugging and fixing extensions to fit your needs is very easy.
MongoDB consumes as much as memory as possible. To avoid cluttering your development environment while keeping your database on hand, I suggest you use vagrant to configure a virtual machine where MongoDB and your Node.js server run in isolation. Coupling a Vagrantfile with a provisioning script allows all your collaborators to benefit from the same configuration.
When it's time to push on production environments, check if there isn't a Grunt extension that can help you sending the compiled code via FTP or SSH on a remote machine or on Amazon Web Service or on Google Cloud Engine.
I hope this helps, Dom

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Review of the book: Getting Started with Grunt

Disclaimer: I've been offered a electronic copy of the book in exchange to this review. I have no contractual relationship with Packt Publishing nor the book author Jamie Pillora.


Since early 2000, I've been on the Java technology stack for implementing three-tier applications (Web or mobile clients, J2EE Web server, Relational databases). I considered the move from make to ant as a real improvement. My first public project on GitHub are still relying on ant.

Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task RunnerI was so happy with ant that I switched to maven only around 2010. To me, the main benefit of maven is its management of the dependencies: from the maven repository, I can depend simply on many Java libraries like Google App Engine, RestEasy and Mockito. I can also get resources for the Web client, like the Dojo Toolkit. Over the years, I wrote few plugins to cover the same features I used to get from ant.

Almost one, I heard about Grunt, the JavaScript build tool. I liked that many plugins were also provided (the officially supported plugins with a name prefixed by grunt-contrib-). Because I was happy with my maven environment, I then started to use Grunt only for Stylus and the grunt-contrib-watch.

Recently, I joined the game company Ubisoft to work on a project involving Node.js server-side. My switch to Grunt was immediate ;) I love the extensive set of plugins and the easiness of writing my own ones if needed. The pair npm / Grunt is rock solid: npm which manages the dependencies and Grunt runs the tasks.

When Packt Publishing contacted me for the review of the book Getting Started with Grunt, I saw an occasion to consolidate my knowledge on Grunt, to compare what I know with someone else experience. And reviewing a published book is way more difficult and lengthy than working on drafts, a work I did one for the book Google App Engine and GWT ;)

Book content

As revealed by the title, the book targets new users of Grunt, or people evaluating the technology. If I compare to my own experience, Grunt power users won't learn much by reading the book.

If the book does not explain how Grunt works, it however describes a lot of topics extensively:

  • The transpiling aspect: from CoffeeScript, from Stylus/Sass/Less;
  • The code processing: verification with JSLint and JSHint, minification with Uglify;
  • The code testing: with Mocha and PhantomJS;
  • The deployment: assembling many files in one, sending it over FTP, publishing on Amazon S3;
  • The customization: writing and publishing plugins.


This is book really targets new Grunt adopter. It helps understanding the basic tasks. It also describes how to setup a build environment for Web clients. I think exposing more grunt plugins, like grunt-exec to run non JavaScript tool, could have set the book as a reference book...

The author decided to focus on one type of application: a Web client based on Jade, the HTML template engine. I think describing tasks for the application logic on a Node.js server, like grunt-express or grunt-nodemon, would have interest a wider audience. Grunt is a really versatile tool.

I hope it helps,
A+, Dom

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Singleton uniqueness issue in a C# generic class

I code in C# within the Unity environment (I really like the co-routine mechanism and the yield return instruction).

At one point, I developed a set of base classes to provide a default behavior to entities that must be exchanged on the wire and cached on the device. And I used generic/template classes to be able to generate instances of the final classes from within the methods of the super class. Information saved on the device are signed with a piece of information obtained from the server.

public class LocalCache<T> where T : BaseModel {

    public static string signatureKey { get; set; }

    public T Get(long id) {
        // Get the JSON from PlayerPrefs
        // Verify its signature
        return (T) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { JSON });

    public void Save(T entity) {
        // Get the JSON representing the data
        // Sign the JSON
        // Save the signed JSON into PlayerPrefs

    public void Reset(long id) { ... }

    private string SignData(string data) { ... }

In Java, there would be only one instance of the signatureKey variable per JVM, whatever the number of class instances. In C#, I've been surprised to find that this attribute is not unique!

public class LocalCache<T> where T : BaseModel {

    // Other code as shown above...

    public static void TestDifferentInstanciations() {
        LocalCache<System.Int64>.signatureKey = "Set for Int64";

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Int16: " + LocalCache<System.Int16>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: Int16:

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Int16: " + LocalCache<System.Int64>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: Int64: Set for Int64

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("string: " + LocalCache<System.string>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: string:

My surprise comes from the fact that the concept of generic class only exist for the definitions. At runtime in C# only exist types and the type of LocalCache<Int16> is different from the type of LocalCache<Int64>. Then there are multiple copies of the signatureKey attribute, exactly one per constructed types...

The solution is to set the singleton into a separated non generic class!

internal static class StaticLocalCacheInfo {
    public static string signatureKey { get; set; }

public class LocalCache<T> where T : BaseModel {

    public static string signaturePartFromServer {
        get { return StaticLocalCacheInfo.signatureKey; }
        set { StaticLocalCacheInfo.signatureKey = value; }

    // Rest of the business logic...

    public static void TestDifferentInstanciations() {
        LocalCache<System.Int64>.signatureKey = "Set for Int64";

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Int16: " + LocalCache<System.Int16>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: Int16: Set for Int64

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Int16: " + LocalCache<System.Int64>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: Int64: Set for Int64

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("string: " + LocalCache<System.string>.signatureKey);
        // => produces: string: Set for Int64

Note that I got the confirmation of the behavior on Unity forum.

I hope it helps!
A+, Dom

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wrapping up 2010, preparing 2011

2010 Summary

2010 was an interesting year for me professionally. Inspired by similar lists online, I present what I did (or can remember at least):
  1. Left Compuware and joined my partner Steven at Milstein and Associates inc. end-of-January, to focus 150% of my time on AnotherSocialEconomy (formely known as Twetailer).
  2. Adapted the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS) library to the App Engine environment—freely available on github.
  3. Refactored the communication layer to be able to send details e-mails to customers, in addition to short ones sent over Twitter and Instant Messaging services.
  4. Built the first Web consoles for Golf players and Golf courses staff, based on Dojo and using the freshly delivered REST API—check
  5. Built the first Android application for Golf players using their GPS & Address book to ease the tee-off booking process with AnotherSocialEconomy—freely available on github.
  6. Helped preparing pitches to Golf Canada representatives and to Golf staff members and owners.
  7. Developed the AnotherSocialEconomy widget, ready to be embedded in participant websites and loading the AnotherSocialEconomy wizard on demand
  8. Reviewed the book Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development.
  9. Continued to develop my open-sourced library offering tools for globalizable generic resource bundles (TMX)—on github too.
  10. Developed a prototype of a Facebook application.
  11. Augmented the AnotherSocialEconomy engine to support the used car dealers: buyers don't buy immediately, but collect car information and offers for a while before committing with one dealer => the engine work flow has been adapted to support this slower path of interaction.
  12. Attended presentations to few car dealerlship owners.
  13. Attended meetings with various mentors and potential investors.
  14. Attended meetings of Montreal NewTech, Android Montreal, Augmented Reality Montreal communities

I’m pretty happy with what I have done so far and am looking forward to doing even more.

New technologies

It was also fun to play around some hot new technologies:
  • Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
  • Android 2.2 and push mechanism on my HTC Desire
  • App Engine 1.4.0 and channel api
  • Node.js and WebSockets

2011 Goals and Plans

2011 is going to be critical for AnotherSocialEconomy. The application runs and passed usability tests. The focus point is now on the business development!
  1. Concentrate on one domain (used car market) and get a significant traffic in the Montreal area.
  2. Gather customer feedback (consumer looking for second hand cars and used car dealers), tune the system, and increase traffic. Repeat until 100% satisfaction ;)
  3. Once the system is proven by the traffic and testimonies, involve investors and/or partners to 1) expand the business to other areas or 2) to target another domain or 3) both expand geographically and vertically.
  4. Develop data mining tools for retailers.
  5. Develop domain oriented interfaces for consumers (Web/HTML5 for tablets and PC, native apps for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry).
  6. Add more communication channels (like voice messages with Twilio, for example).
  7. Offer my services as Software Architect & Developer consultant on designing & developing highly scalable and highly available applications on Google App Engine and mobile applications on Android.
A+, Dom

Friday, December 3, 2010

Reviewed book 'Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development' is out!

I know that's a pity not to post more regularly! It's just I'm too busy with the developments for ;)

Here is a little news for Google App Engine developers:
Over the summer, I've been asked to review the draft of the book Google App Engine Java and GWT Application Development. Even with my experience, I learn few techniques, like with the object relationships (chapter 5). A very good book for beginners/intermediates, and still an interesting book for experts.

A+, Dom

Note: I've no incentive to sell the book, just the pleasure to share a good reference ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010

How to resize VirtualBox disk images?

-- Update on May 8, 2012 --

Having to resize an image again, I looked at the VirtualBox documentation before following the CloneVDI route a second time. And I was pleasantly surprised that the version 4.1 of VBoxManage accepts a parameter --resize to the command modifyhd!

The process can be done in a matter of minutes:
  1. Stop the hosted system (Win7 in my case).
  2. Run the following command in the folder of your VDI file
       VBoxManage modifyhd <name>.vdi --resize <size-in-mb>
  3. Start the virtual machine.
  4. Open the disk manager tool (Use the Menu Windows, type disk man in the search box, and select 'Create and format hard disk partitions').
  5. You should see your drive with the initial partition(s) and new free space.
  6. Click on the partition to extend and choose the command 'Extend Volume' in the contextual menu.
  7. And voilĂ .
No need to copy the VDI on the host machine. Very fast and robust process.
'Extend Volume' option in the contextual menu.

-- Original post on July 19, 2010 --

Quick post to share a wonderful VirtualBox companion: CloneVDI!

Almost two months ago, I switched from Windows XP to GNU/Linux with Ubuntu 10.04 distribution. Everything goes very well and I do not regret the move.

In my day-to-day job, as the architect/developer/tester of the Twetailer project, engine and of many of its clients, I still need to run programs on the Windows OS, especially the series of Internet Explorer 7 & 8 (IE 6 is killed, isn't it?).

To verify my test suites for Internet Explorer, I rely on VirtualBox running the initial Windows XP release. Because the disk size requirement for the initial version is low, I stupidly created a small  4 GB disk image! Then it required hours to load and install the service packs 2 & 3, plus IE 8, plus the latest .Net framework, plus the security updates. Be careful: 4 GB is way too small to store the system, the virtual memory page file, and the additional stock coming with the service packs and others!

Few days after the initial setup, I was facing the "Not enough space available" warning :-( Instead of wasting another set of hours in a re-installation, I googled virtualbox increase vdi size, and the first article I found was from the VirtualBox forums. I thought it was a good sign and I started reading... but I became quickly disappointed because the given explanations required many tricks and time to setup too. Then I jumped to the last pages (page 6 to be precise) to read:

The new way:
Run the CloneVDI tool. Enter name of source VDI and desired disk size into dialog box. Click "Proceed" button. Expect to spend maybe 5 minutes for a typical VDI, longer of course with big drives.

The CloneVDI tool has existed since mid September 2009. It was created specifically so as to remove the need to recommend an embarassingly complicated rigmarole for performing what should have been a simple task. So, in late May 2010 it is quite disheartening to see people still joining the site in order to provide uninformed endorsement of the obsolete procedure.
The post was from Don Milne, alias mpack, the creator of the CloneVDI tool.

Then I loaded CloneVDI from the referenced post, installed Wine with the Ubuntu Software Center, ran CloneVDI, selected my initial image, specified a new name and a new size (now 10 GB), and all the magic transformation occurred in less than 1 minute!

CloneVDI pane: clone an virtual image with an increased size in just a few clicks!

Warning: It seems the cloning only works up to the first snapshot, as my clone did not get the snapshots. This was not a issue for me but be careful on your side because it might be necessary to merge the snapshots. As the cloning is very fast, producing a new image per snapshot should work-around the issue.

Anyway, I wholeheartedly recommend CloneVDI when it's time to allocate more disk space to a VirtualBox machine!

A+, Dom

Monday, June 7, 2010

The joy of Ubuntu

Few decades ago, most of my work was done on a SUN hardware running Solaris. The Université de Rennes I, France, was providing the Internet access and Mosaic, followed few times later by Netscape, was my favorite browser. At that time, I was preparing a PhD and most of the online discussions were conducted in newsgroups and emails.

One week ago, I definitively switched the OS of my Thinkpad T61 from Windows XP to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04). In some ways, the Ubuntu environment is not that different from the Solaris I used to work on. For example, I was very pleased to use again an efficient Virtual Desktop system and to benefit from the native Compose key mechanism that allows me to type any crazy sequences producing foreign characters.

Having been pushed on the Microsoft side by my various employers, it seems I forgot all the good sides of the Unix environments. Microsoft marketing has been very brilliant: as many others, I accepted the PC environment limitations! Do you remember the "cooperative multitasking" of Windows 3.1? Do you remember that changing a registry key transformed your Windows NT Workstation in a much capable Windows NT Server? Do you remember that Windows 7 is really the first shiny interface with transparency and gadgets? (Sorry: Vis-what? I don't know ;)

To be honest, let's recognize that the Unix environments did not progress much. On the open source side, the Linux distributions provide a very fragmented offer. The success of some shiny distributions like Knoppix and Ubuntu is fairly recent.

As a geek, I would say that the most impressive feature in these distributions is the 3D rendering engine Compiz and its Cube plugin! It's just amazing.

When I decided to switch to Ubuntu, I wondered if I would lose some features. So far, all have their counterpart for the Linux environment, sometimes with many additional benefits. I did not have to even install Wine, the Windows emulator! Here are the tools that were important to me and I carried over:
  • Dropbox: has Linux/MacOS/Windows distributions.
  • Keepass: had to convert the database to 1.x format and now use KeepassX which has Linux/MacOS/Windows distributions.
  • Aptana/Android SDK/App Engine SDK: equivalent Java packages.
  • Firefox/Chrome/Add-ons: have Linux/MacOS/Windows distributions.
  • Skype (for VOIP calls and screen shares)...
  • OpenOffice.
  • VirtualBox.
  • git.

I am so impressed with the system that I've also switched my old Toshiba M40 (one P4 core and a NVidia card) and now my kids have an easy access to many free games and educational tools!

A+, Dom

Friday, May 28, 2010

What motivates us?

One year and half ago, I wrote the blog post Career Advice '08. The key idea was about encouraging people to develop their own expertise to be successful in their career. Don't wait for your management to give you something exciting, do it yourself!

Two weeks ago, I wrote another blog post Work around the general laziness. In some ways, I reported on my disappointment of not seeing enough autonomous experts, and that entrepreneurs have to compose with variously skilled teams.

I finished my second expose by mentioning the Twetailer's work-for-attribution offer. I explained that many people liked the concept and that few of them have committed to deliver something with their own schedule. Each one at its own pace builds an extended skill set.

What are the commonalities between the contributors?
  • They have a regular job so the money is not an issue.
  • They are performers and have a high level of satisfaction.
I was such a contributor when I started working with Steven, before jumping on the entrepreneur-side to help developing the business from the inside.

I had not really identified the sources of my motivation until I saw Dan Pink's illustration of "What motivates us", for a talk given by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (
The three factors that lead to performance and personal satisfaction:
  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose.

I strongly encourage you to look at that video, part for the fun of viewing Dan Pink in action, part for the delivered message. I encourage you also to share your experience as a comment below ;)

A+, Dom

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Social Software, Cynapse, and Open Platforms

What's a Social Software?

These days, most of white collar workers have to deal with computers on a daily basis. Computers are everywhere: from the front desk to allow receptionists to get to the company directory up to garage doors checking who's in, who's out. There are so different types of computers that some of them go unnoticed!

The scope of this post is limited computers used to collaborate:
  • Make appointments
  • Produce documents
  • Review & comment documents
  • Forward documents
  • Poll users
  • Manage tasks
When it's time to collaborate, the vast majority of computer users rely on e-mails. E-mail is probably the most essential tool now, and without e-mails, many are lost. Do you remember the BlackBerry syndrome of the RIM product early adopters? Yeah, the one that wakes up people middle of the night so they can get new e-mails ;)

With tools like Microsoft Outlook, Apple iCal, and Google Calendar, more users relying on calendar tools to organize their time. This is neat because with such tools you can sometimes see up front if the targeted time slot is good for other attendees. And when attendance confirmation comes, the meeting information are updated automatically without requiring a specific triage in the mailbox.

When people have to share pictures, because the ones modern digital camera can generate are so big and very few people have the knowledge to reduce their size nicely, more and more people resort to online hosting services like flickr or Picasa. In addition to process  images to transit on the Web (while still available in high resolution for printing purposes), sharing pictures via links is way lighter for the mail system. It has also the additional benefit that pictures can be removed safely without one someone else to purge his/her mailbox.

With review sites like cnet or, more and more users have started to give their opinions online to share the joy of being a owner of a wonderful gadget, or to inform others that such a gadget is crap! Involving readers and customers to share their experiences is the key element of the social software movement.

So what's the relation between Cynapse and social software:
  • Cynapse is a central place where people can collaborate online with the most practical tools without relying on e-mails, a place where collaboration and communication do not loose their context.
Why Cynapse?

When my partner Steven and I started to work on the !twetailer, we knew that we wanted to collaborate online, within a reliable and protected environment that could handle many document types: user stories, specifications, diagrams, mock ups, pictures, bookmarks, discussions, etc.

As IBM-ers, we looked among the tremendous IBM products and we selected Lotus GreenHouse which was still in beta. The main flaw we experienced was its disruptive slowness. Another issue to us was our quasi-impossibility to influence the development path to fix the painful issues. Just 2 guys in a big user community have a very little impact...

We then decided to switch to Elgg, a free and open source software, that our hosting service offered. Elgg is probably a good tool but it did not match our needs. The variety of entities was limited as our ability to fix the issues. Probably, it would have been better to host the service at home and to extend its model. Because it would have distracted us from our project, we looked for a better solution.

At this time, Steven was studying the social software offering and Cynapse came out as a good fit to us:
  • The service out-of-the-box was promising and was still under active development.
  • They had an affordable offer: free self hosted service, managed service for a small subscription, managed hardware also for a fee.
  • They had an active user community which was hosted on the tool itself (the “eat your own dog food” principle).
  • Whatever solution we choose, we are free to upgrade/downgrade/exit.

Cynapse is an Indian company and its managers are really great. For practical reasons, we decided to go with the managed service online. When Steven contacted them, asking for a rebate in exchange to us blogging about our experience with the tool and us feeding them with enhancement requests from the development point of view, they accepted and sustained our involvement.

Disclosure: Because the tool and the team is great, Milstein & associates is now a business partner and can resell and offer services on the top of the tool.

After one full year and two upgrades, we are very happy with the tool and its support. At one point, we have developed an offer for schools available at which has been extremely well adapted by the kids!

In addition to the collaboration aspect, Cynapse with its offering of various tools in one platform allows users to develop their online reputation in a controlled environment. As Craig Newmark, the founder of craigslist, mentions in a blog post:
People use social networking tools to figure out who they can trust and rely on for decision making. By the end of this decade, power and influence will shift largely to those people with the best reputations and trust networks, from people with money and nominal power. That is, peer networks will confer legitimacy on people emerging from the grassroots.
The Cynapse environment allows users to highlight their work: statistics about contributions and comments are shared on the main page, readers can note the published materials, etc. When people are new to social software, Cynapse offers a simple way to identify the people others “trust” and allows good contributors to build their reputation.

Aside our work on the !twetailer project, because the tool fits our needs, because kids adopted very well, we have proposed it to traditional companies (the ones that relies on Microsoft Outlook and shared folders for their collaboration). For now, the feedback is positive but it's too early to advance any adoption rate ;)

Why Open Platforms?

As a developer, I'm an heavy user of open source software (development environment, source control, build system, etc.). I am also a contributor myself with two open libraries hosted on github:
  • A set of utilities for Web application developers (Java, Python, JavaScript) which offers:
    • Globalization features: from one set of central repositories (TMX format) to programming language dependent resource bundles;
    • JSON related objects: to ease the parsing/generation of JSON structure
  • An adaptation of the Amazon Flexible Payment Service (FPS) library for the Java environment of Google App Engine.
And the content of this blog is offered under the Common Creative Licence By-NC-SA, which allows using beyond the traditional “fair-use” as long as you cite the source ;) I very like open platform for the reasons Larry Lessig gave in speech on . Open source is good for innovation for geeks like myself. For enterprises, I would argue that the key point is the data access: at anytime, someone can get the data out of an open source project without risking any patent infringement, without risky reverse-engineering. For sure, it won't be free as in “free beer” but they'll be free to get their data back. Some people will argue that close software often offer a way to export data in a standard format (like a SQL dump for a database) and allow then to import them somewhere else, but that's only true if no feature are dropped during the export and if all features from one can be activated in two during the import.

To summarize my point, I would say that open source software allow anyone to exit at anytime while continuing to control the data.

As a collaboration tool, Cynapse is maybe not the best one but it offers competitive advantages for the right price (for free if you have the team and expertise to manage it, for fee if you choose the hassle-free solution of the hosted service on Amazon AWS) while letting users migrating to another platform anytime.

Important point to consider during the selection of an open source solution: the quality of its community. More active is the community, better are your chances that issues you are facing have been documented, better your chances to see your (excellent) enhancement requests supported by others. Being able to contribute to an active community (by submitting bug reports, by answering others' questions, by submitting patches) have also the side benefit of improving your reputation.

A+, Dom

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Amazon FPS library for the Google App Engine environment

Here is a post on Amazon Flexible Payments System (FPS) and the beauty of the open source model!

Amazon FPS as the payment platform

!twetailer is an application connecting people to people, consumers to retailers and vice-versa. The business model is freemiun-based:
  • Posting demands, receiving proposals, and accepting proposals is available for free to any customers.
  • Listening to demands, proposing products or services, and closing deals is available for free to any registered retailers.
  • At one point, !twetailer is going to offer retailers to ask consumers to pay for the accepted products or services. The payment platform is going to be Amazon FPS1.

Amazon FPS is a really neat platform, the only one to my knowledge allowing to organize money transfers between third-parties. With Amazon FPS, !twetailer will be able to convey money from the consumers directly to the retailers, without the money transiting on !twetailer own account! This is a really safe mechanism.

As a quick introduction to Amazon FPS, I would strongly suggest you listen to that one hour webcast introduced on Amazon Payments blog on April 7, 2009: Monetize your innovation with Amazon FPS. If you use the open-source tool VideoLAN VLC, you can load the ASX file directly from Akamai from here.

Amazon and the open-source model

Amazon FPS, as many others Amazon Web Services (AWS), allows third-party applications to use its services through very simple APIs which are HTTP based! The libraries that developers need to use are mostly wrappers over HTTP connections with some specific controllers formatting the requests and signing them (to avoid a man-in-the-middle process tampering them).

Because HTTP is an open protocol and because Amazon could not probably develop its libraries for all possible Web servers, Amazon opened the libraries' source and attached to them a very liberal license2.

This is a very respectable attitude regarding their customers and also very well thought on the business-side: if developers can adopt their libraries for their own needs, Amazon won't have to pay for the corresponding development and it will enlarge the set of applications their platform can serve!

Amazon FPS on Google App Engine platform

The !twetailer server-side logic is Java based and dropping the Amazon FPS library freshly compiled in war/WEB-INF/lib is simple. However, the Amazon FPS code cannot run as-is because of few App Engine limitations...

The first one is encountered when the application needs to build the URL that will launch the co-branded service, a page that will allow consumers to pay for the service or product previously proposed by a retailer.
The static method HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(boolean) controls the VM behavior and is then guarded by a JVM permission.
Read the incident report in the Google App Engine discussion group.

Fixing this issue is simple: tune the ability to follow redirection on the connection itself instead of applying the settings globally.

The second issue is really major:
The library uses the Jakarta Commons HttpClient component to convey payment requests from the application to the Amazon infrastructure. And many of its underlying calls are blocked in Google App Engine Java environment.
I asked for advices on AWS FPS forums. But without response, I have decided to go with my own wrapper of the Google URL Fetch mimicking the HttpClient HttpConnectionManager and HttpConnection classes.

Wrappers of Google URL Fetch for Amazon FPS

Following Amazon's leadership, I offer the URL Fetch wrappers that allows Amazon FPS to work on Google App Engine platform:
The code currently available works in the simple scenario !twetailer needs. But it is still under development. And the test suite covering it is not yet completed.

UrlFetchConnectionManager class definition
 *  Adaptation for the Amazon FPS library to work on the Java platform of
 *  Google App Engine.
 *  Copyright 2010 Dom Derrien
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

package domderrien.wrapper.UrlFetch;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams;

public class UrlFetchConnectionManager implements HttpConnectionManager {

 private HttpConnectionManagerParams params;
 private HttpConnection connection;
 public void closeIdleConnections(long timeout) {
  throw new RuntimeException("closeIdleConnections(long)");

 public HttpConnection getConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration) {
  throw new RuntimeException("getConnection(HostConfiguration)");
  // return null;

 public HttpConnection getConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, long timeout) throws HttpException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getConnection(HostConfiguration, long)");
  // return null;

 public HttpConnection getConnectionWithTimeout(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, long timeout) throws ConnectionPoolTimeoutException {
  // As reported in
  // > The app cannot set explicit connection timeouts for the request.
  if (connection != null) {
  connection = new UrlFetchHttpConnection(hostConfiguration);
  return connection;

 public HttpConnectionManagerParams getParams() {
  return params;

 public void releaseConnection(HttpConnection connection) {

 public void setParams(HttpConnectionManagerParams params) {
  // Parameters set in AmazonFPSClient#configureHttpClient:
        // - ConnectionTimeout: 50000 ms
  // - SoTimeout: 50000 ms
  // - StaleCheckingEnabled: true
  // - TcpNoDelay: true
  // - MaxTotalConnections: 100 (as proposed in the default file)
  // - MaxConnectionsPerHost: 100 (as proposed in the default file)

  this.params = params;

UrlFetchConnection class definition
 *  Adaptation for the Amazon FPS library to work on the Java platform of
 *  Google App Engine.
 *  Copyright 2010 Dom Derrien
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

package domderrien.wrapper.UrlFetch;



import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol;


public class UrlFetchHttpConnection extends HttpConnection {

 private static URLFetchService urlFS = URLFetchServiceFactory.getURLFetchService();

 private HostConfiguration hostConfiguration;
 private HTTPRequest _request;
 private HTTPResponse _response;
 private MockOutputStream _requestBody = new MockOutputStream();
 private MockInputStream _responseBody = new MockInputStream();

 private HTTPRequest getRequest() throws MalformedURLException {
  if (_request == null) {
   _request = new HTTPRequest(
     new URL(hostConfiguration.getHostURL()), 
     HTTPMethod.POST, // AmazonFPSClient#invoke(Class, Map) uses only POST method
  return _request;
 private static final String SEPARATOR = ": ";
 private static final int SEPARATOR_LENGTH = SEPARATOR.length();
 private static final String NEW_LINE = "\r\n";

 private HTTPResponse getResponse() throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
  if (_response == null) {
   // Get the response from the remote service
   _response = urlFS.fetch(getRequest());
   // Rebuild stream of HTTP headers (except the HTTP status retrieved from readLine(String) method)
   StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
   for (HTTPHeader header: _response.getHeaders()) {
   buffer.append("Content-Length: ").append(_response.getContent().length).append(NEW_LINE);
   // Rebuild stream of HTTP content (chunked-encoded)
   buffer.append(Integer.toString(_response.getContent().length, 16)).append(";chunk size").append(NEW_LINE);
   buffer.append(new String(_response.getContent())).append(NEW_LINE);
  return _response;

  * Default constructor
  * @param hostConfiguration
 public UrlFetchHttpConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration) {
  this.hostConfiguration = hostConfiguration;

 protected void assertNotOpen() throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("assertNotOpen()");

 protected void assertOpen() throws IllegalStateException {
  assert(_response != null);

 public void close() {
  // Nothing to do!

 public boolean closeIfStale() throws IOException {
  // Safe call, passed to the inherited method
  return super.closeIfStale();

 protected void closeSocketAndStreams() {
  throw new RuntimeException("closeSocketAndStreams()");

 public void flushRequestOutputStream() throws IOException {

 public String getHost() {
  return hostConfiguration.getHost();

 public HttpConnectionManager getHttpConnectionManager() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getHttpConnectionManager()");

 public InputStream getLastResponseInputStream() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getLastResponseInputStream()");

 public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getLocalAddress()");

 public HttpConnectionParams getParams() {
  return new HttpConnectionParams();

 public int getPort() {
  return hostConfiguration.getPort();

 public Protocol getProtocol() {
  return hostConfiguration.getProtocol();

 public String getProxyHost() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getProxyHost()");

 public int getProxyPort() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getProxyPort()");

 public OutputStream getRequestOutputStream() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  return _requestBody;

 public InputStream getResponseInputStream() throws IOException {
  return _responseBody;

 public int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSendBufferSize()");

 protected Socket getSocket() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSocket()");

 public int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSoTimeout()");

 public String getVirtualHost() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getVirtualHost()");

 protected boolean isLocked() {
  throw new RuntimeException("isLocked()");

 public boolean isOpen() {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method
  return super.isOpen();

 public boolean isProxied() {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method
  return super.isProxied();

 public boolean isResponseAvailable() throws IOException {
  return _response != null;

 public boolean isResponseAvailable(int timeout) throws IOException {
  return _response != null;

 public boolean isSecure() {
  return hostConfiguration.getPort() == 443;

 protected boolean isStale() throws IOException {
  throw new RuntimeException("isStale()");

 public boolean isStaleCheckingEnabled() {
  throw new RuntimeException("isStaleCheckingEnabled()");

 public boolean isTransparent() {
  // Safe call, passed to the inherited method
  return super.isTransparent();
 public void open() throws IOException {
  // Nothing to do

 public void print(String data, String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  // Save the passed HTTP headers for the request
  int idx = data.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
  if (idx != -1) {
   String name = data.substring(0, idx);
   String value = data.substring(idx + SEPARATOR_LENGTH).trim();
   getRequest().addHeader(new HTTPHeader(name, value));
  // Other information are just ignored safely 

 public void print(String data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("print(string): " + data);

 public void printLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine()");

 public void printLine(String data, String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine(string, String): " + data + " -- " + charset);

 public void printLine(String data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine(string): " + data);

 public String readLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("readLine()");

 private boolean waitForHttpStatus = true;
 public String readLine(String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  if (waitForHttpStatus) {
   // Dom Derrien: called only once to get the HTTP status, other information being read from the response output stream
   int responseCode = getResponse().getResponseCode();
   String line = "HTTP/1.1 " + responseCode;
   switch(responseCode) {
    case HttpStatus.SC_OK: line += " OK"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST: line += " BAD REQUEST"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED: line += " UNAUTHORIZED"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN: line += " FORBIDDEN"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: line += " NOT FOUND"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: line += " INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: line += " SERVICE UNAVAILABLE"; break;
    default: line = "HTTP/1.1 " + HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST + " BAD REQUEST";
   waitForHttpStatus = false;
   return line;
  throw new RuntimeException("readLine(String)");

 public void releaseConnection() {
  // Do nothing, connection closed automatically...

 public void setConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setConnectionTimeout(int)");

 public void setHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setHost(String");

 public void setHttpConnectionManager(HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setHttpConnectionManager(HttpConnectionManager");

 public void setLastResponseInputStream(InputStream inStream) {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setLocalAddress(InetAddress localAddress) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setLocalAddress(InetAddress)");

 protected void setLocked(boolean locked) {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setParams(HttpConnectionParams params) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setParams(HttpConnectionParams)");

 public void setPort(int port) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setPort(int)");

 public void setProtocol(Protocol protocol) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProtocol(Protocol)");

 public void setProxyHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProxyHost(String)");

 public void setProxyPort(int port) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProxyPort(int)");

 public void setSendBufferSize(int sendBufferSize) throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setSendBufferSize(int)");

 public void setSocketTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException, IllegalStateException {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setSoTimeout(int)");

 public void setStaleCheckingEnabled(boolean staleCheckEnabled) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setStaleCheckingEnabled(boolean)");

 public void setVirtualHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setVirtualHost(String)");

 public void shutdownOutput() {
  throw new RuntimeException("shutdownOutput()");

 public void tunnelCreated() throws IllegalStateException, IOException {
  throw new RuntimeException("tunnelCreated()");

 public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("write(byte[], int, int): " + new String(data) + ", " + offset + ", " + length);

 public void write(byte[] data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("write(byte[]): " + new String(data));

 public void writeLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  // Safe call, new line being inserted automatically by the HTTPRequest renderer

 public void writeLine(byte[] data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("writeLine(byte[]): " + new String(data));

Anyone is free to fork it for his own needs. Be careful with the code because I deliver it without warranties! If you have issues to report, if you can document how to reproduce them, depending on my workload, I will help you. If you fix the issue on your side, I will be happy to merge the corresponding patches into my main branch.

I hope this helps,
A+, Dom
  1. At least in United States of America until Amazon extends its coverage to company without a US bank account.
  2. Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004, which allows users to make modifications while keeping them private.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Unit tests, Mock objects, and App Engine

For my [still a secret] project which is running on Google App Engine infrastructure [1], I want to make it as solid as possible from the beginning by applying most of the best practices of the Agile methodology [2].

Update 2009/12/05:
With the release of the App Engine Java SDK 1.2.8 (read release notes, I had to update my code and this post on two points:
  • Without the specification of the JDO inheritance type, the environment assumes it's superclass-table. This type is not supported by App Engine. Only subclass-table and complete-table are supported. In the Entity class described below, I had to add @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE). Read the documentation about Defining data classes for more information.
  • With the automation of the task execution, the MockAppEngineEnvironment class listed below had to be updated to serve an expected value when the Queue runs in the live environment. Read the details on the thread announcing the 1.2.8. SDK prerelease on Google Groups.
Now, all tests pass again ;)

As written on my post from September 18, I had to develop many mock classes to keep reaching the mystical 100% of code coverage (by unit tests) [3]. A good introduction of mock objects is given by Vincent Massol in his book “JUnit in Action” [4]. To summarize, mock objects are especially useful to inject behavior and force the code using them to exercise complex control flows.

Developing applications for Google App Engine is not that complex because the system has a good documentation and an Eclipse plug-in ease the first steps.

Use case description

Let's consider a simple class organization implementing a common J2EE pattern:

  • A DTO class for a Consumer;
  • The DAO class getting the Consumer from the persistence layer, and sending it back with updates; and
  • A Controller class routing REST requests. The Controller is an element of the implemented MVC pattern
Use case illustration

The code for the DTO class is instrumented with JDO annotations [5]:

Consumer DTO class definition
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable="true")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
public class Consumer extends Entity {
    private String address;
    private String displayName;
    private String email;
    private String facebookId;
    private String jabberId;
    private Long locationKey;
    private String twitterId;
    /** Default constructor */
    public Consumer() {
     * Creates a consumer
     * @param in HTTP request parameters
    public Consumer(JsonObject parameters) {
    public String getAddress() {
        return address;
    public void setAddress(String address) {
        this.address = address;

My approach for the DAO class is modular:

  • When the calling code is doing just one call, like the ConsumerOperations.delete(String) method deleting the identified Consumer instance, the call can be done without the persistence layer knowledge.
  • When many calls to the persistence layer are required, the DAO API offers the caller to pass a PersistenceManager instance that can be re-used from call to call. With the combination of the detachable="true" parameter specified in the JDO annotation for the Consumer class, it saves many cycles.
Excerpt from the ConsumerOperations DAO class definition
 * Persist the given (probably updated) resource
 * @param consumer Resource to update
 * @return Updated resource
 * @see ConsumerOperations#updateConsumer(PersistenceManager, Consumer)
public Consumer updateConsumer(Consumer consumer) {
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
    try {
        // Persist updated consumer
        return updateConsumer(pm, consumer);
    finally {
 * Persist the given (probably updated) resource while leaving the given persistence manager open for future updates
 * @param pm Persistence manager instance to use - let opened at the end to allow possible object updates later
 * @param consumer Resource to update
 * @return Updated resource
public Consumer updateConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Consumer consumer) {
    return pm.makePersistent(consumer);

The following piece of the abstract class BaseOperations shows the accessor made availabe to any controller code to get one handle of a valid PersistenceManager instance.

Excerpt from the abstract BaseOperations DAO class definition
 * Accessor isolated to facilitate tests by IOP
 * @return Persistence manager instance
public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManagerFactory().getPersistenceManager();
    return pm;

To finish the use case setup, here is a part of the controller code which deals with incoming HTTP requests and serves or operates accordingly. This specific piece of code replies to a GET request like:

  • Invocation: http://<host:port>/API/Consumer/43544"
  • Response:
    • {key:43544, displayName:"John", address:"75, Queen, MontrĂ©al, Qc, Canada", 
      locationKey:3245, location: {id:3245, postalCode:"H3C2N6", countryCode:"CA",
      latitude:43.3, longitude:-73.4}, ...}
Excerpt from the ConsumerRestlet Controller class definition
protected JsonObject getResource(JsonObject parameters, String resourceId, User loggedUser) throws DataSourceException {
    PersistenceManager pm = getBaseOperations().getPersistenceManager();
    try {
        // Get the consumer instance
        Consumer consumer = getConsumerOperations().getConsumer(pm, Long.valueOf(resourceId));
        JsonObject output = consumer.toJson();
        // Get the related information
        Long locationKey = consumer.getLocationKey();
        if (locationKey != null) {
            Location location = getLocationOperations().getLocation(pm, locationKey);
            output.put(Consumer.LOCATION, location.toJson());
        // Return the complete set of information
        return output;
    finally {

Simple mock

Now, it's time to test! To start slowly, let's deal with the Restlet getResource() method to verify:

  • Just one and only one instance of PersistenceManager is loaded by the function;
  • The PersistenceManager instance is cleanly closed at the end of the process;
  • There's a call issued to get the identified Consumer instance;
  • There's possibly a call issued to get the identified Location instance;
  • The output value has the expected information.

In the corresponding unit test series, we don't want to interfere with the App Engine infrastructure (the following chapter will address that aspect). So we'll rely on a mock for the PersistenceManager class that will be injected into the ConsumerRestlet code. The full source of this class is available on my open source project two-tiers-utils: javax.jdo.MockPersistenceManager.

Custom part of the mock for the PersistenceManager class
public class MockPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
    private boolean closed = false; // To keep track of the "closed" state
    public void close() {
        closed = true;
    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

    // ...

Here are the unit tests verifying the different flow paths:

  • When an exception is thrown, because the back-end does not serve the data for example;
  • When the Consumer instance returns without location coordinates;
  • When the Consumer instance is fully documented.
Three tests validating the behavior of the ConsumerRestlet.getResource() method
public void testUnexpectedError() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Done in purpose!");
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
public void testGettingOneConsumer() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            Consumer consumer = new Consumer();
            return consumer;
    final Long locationId = 67890L;
    final LocationOperations locationOps = new LocationOperations() {
        Location getLocation(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            fail("Call not expected here!");
            return null;
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
        @Override LocationOperation getLocationOperations() { return locationOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
    // Post-test verifications
    assertNotSame(0, response.size());
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getLong(Consumer.ID));
public void testGettingConsumerWithLocation() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final Long locationId = 67890L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            Consumer consumer = new Consumer();
            return consumer;
    final LocationOperations locationOps = new LocationOperations() {
        Location getLocation(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(locationId, id);
            Location location = new Location();
            return location;
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
        @Override LocationOperation getLocationOperations() { return locationOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
    // Post-test verifications
    assertNotSame(0, response.size());
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getLong(Consumer.ID));
    assertEquals(locationId, response.getLong(Consumer.LOCATION_ID));
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getJsonObject(Consumer.LOCATION).getLong(Location.ID));

Note that I would have been able to override just the PersistenceManager class to have the Object getObjectById(Object arg0) method returning the expected exception, Consumer, and Location instances. But I would have pass over the strict limit of a unit test by then testing also the behavior of the ConsumerOperations.getConsumer() and LocationOperations.getLocation() methods.

App Engine environment mock

Now, testing the ConsumerOperations class offers a better challenge.

As suggested above, I could override many pieces of the PersistenceManager class to be sure to control the flow. But to do a nice simulation, I almost need to have the complete specification of the Google App Engine infrastructure to be sure I mock it correctly. This is especially crucial when processing Query because Google data store has many limitations [6] that others traditional database, like MySQL, don't have...

Because this documentation is partially available and because Google continues to update its infrastructure, I looked for a way to use the standalone environment made available with the App Engine SDK [1]. This has not been easy because I wanted to have the test running independently from the development server itself. I found first some documentation on Google Code website: Unit Testing With Local Service Implementations, but it was very low level and did not fit with my JDO instrumentation of the DTO classes. Hopefully, I found this article JDO and unit tests from App Engine Fan, a great community contributor I mentioned many times in previous posts!

By cooking information gathered on Google Code website and on App Engine Post, I've produced a I can use for my JUnit4 tests.

Three tests validating the behavior of the ConsumerRestlet.getResource() method
// import ...
 * Mock for the App Engine Java environment used by the JDO wrapper.
 * These class has been build with information gathered on:
 * - App Engine documentation:
 * - App Engine Fan blog:
 * @author Dom Derrien
public class MockAppEngineEnvironment {
    private class ApiProxyEnvironment implements ApiProxy.Environment {
        public String getAppId() {
          return "test";
        public String getVersionId() {
          return "1.0";
        public String getEmail() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isLoggedIn() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isAdmin() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getAuthDomain() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getRequestNamespace() {
          return "";
        public Map getAttributes() {
            Map out = new HashMap();

            // Only necessary for tasks that are added when there is no "live" request
            // See:
            out.put("", "http://localhost:8080");

            return out;
    private final ApiProxy.Environment env;
    private PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;
    public MockAppEngineEnvironment() {
        env = new ApiProxyEnvironment();
     * Setup the mock environment
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // Setup the App Engine services
        ApiProxyLocalImpl proxy = new ApiProxyLocalImpl(new File(".")) {};
        // Setup the App Engine data store
        proxy.setProperty(LocalDatastoreService.NO_STORAGE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
     * Clean up the mock environment
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        // Verify that there's no pending transaction (ie pm.close() has been called)
        Transaction transaction = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().getCurrentTransaction(null);
        boolean transactionPending = transaction != null;
        if (transactionPending) {
        // Clean up the App Engine data store
        ApiProxyLocalImpl proxy = (ApiProxyLocalImpl) ApiProxy.getDelegate();
        if (proxy != null) {
            LocalDatastoreService datastoreService = (LocalDatastoreService) proxy.getService("datastore_v3");
        // Clean up the App Engine services
        // Report the issue with the transaction still open
        if (transactionPending) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Found a transaction nor commited neither rolled-back." +
                    "Probably related to a missing PersistenceManager.close() call.");
     * Creates a PersistenceManagerFactory on the fly, with the exact same information
     * stored in the /WEB-INF/META-INF/jdoconfig.xml file.
    public PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory() {
        if (pmf == null) {
            Properties newProperties = new Properties();
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "appengine");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalRead", "true");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalWrite", "true");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.RetainValues", "true");
            newProperties.put("datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns", "true");
            newProperties.put("datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns", "true");
            pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(newProperties);
        return pmf;
     * Gets an instance of the PersistenceManager class
    public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
        return getPersistenceManagerFactory().getPersistenceManager();

With such a class, the unit test part is easy and I can build complex test cases without worrying about the pertinence of my mock classes! That's really great.

Excerpt of the TestConsumerOperations class
public class TestConsumerOperations {
    private MockAppEngineEnvironment mockAppEngineEnvironment;
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        mockAppEngineEnvironment = new MockAppEngineEnvironment();
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    public void testCreateVI() throws DataSourceException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        final String email = "";
        final String name = "Mr Unit Test";
        Consumer newConsumer = new Consumer();
        // Verify there's no instance
        Query query = new Query(Consumer.class.getSimpleName());
        assertEquals(0, DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().prepare(query).countEntities());
        // Create the user once
        ConsumerOperations ops = new ConsumerOperations();
        Consumer createdConsumer = ops.createConsumer(newConsumer);
        // Verify there's one instance
        query = new Query(Consumer.class.getSimpleName());
        assertEquals(1, DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().prepare(query).countEntities());
        assertEquals(email, createdConsumer.getEmail());
        assertEquals(name, createdConsumer.getName());
    // ...


As a big fan of TDD, I'm now all set to cover the code of my [still a secret] project efficiently. It does not mean everything is correct, more that everything I thought about is correctly covered. At the time of this writing, just for the server-side logic, the code I produced covers more than 10,000 lines and the unit tests bring an additional set of 23,400 lines.

When it's time to refactor a bit or to add new features (plenty of them are aligned in my task list ;), I feel comfortable because I know I can detect most of regressions (if not all) after 3 minutes of running the test suite.

If you want to follow this example, feel free to get the various mock classes I have added to my two-tiers-utils open-source project. In addition to mock classes for the App Engine environment, you'll find:

  • Basic mock classes for the servlet (see javax.servlet) and packages -- I had to adopt the root javamocks because the JVM class loader does not accept the creation on the fly of classes in the java root).
  • A mock class for twitter4j.TwitterUser -- I needed a class with public constructor and a easy way to create a default account.
  • A series of mock class for David Yu's Project which I use to allow users with OpenID credentials to log in. Read the discussion I had with David on ways to test his code, in fact the code he produced and I customized for my own needs and for other security reasons.

For other details on my library, read my post Internationalization and my two-tiers-utils library.

I hope this helps.

A+, Dom

  1. Google App Engine: the homepage and the SDK page.
  2. See my post on Agile: SCRUM is Hype, but XP is More Important... where I mentionned the following techniques: Continuous Integration (CI), Unit testing and code coverage (CQC), and Continuous refactoring.
  3. I know that keeping 100% as the target for code coverage numbers is a bit extreme. I read this article Don't be fooled by the coverage report soon after I started using Cobertura. In addition to reducing the exposition to bugs, the 100% coverage gives a very high chance to detect regressions before pushing the updates to the source control system!
  4. Vincent Massol; JUnit in Action; Editions Manning; and Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol, and Gary Gregory; JUnit in Action, Second Edition; Editions Massol; I was used to asking any new developer joigning my team to read at least this chapter 7: Testing in isolation with mock objects.
  5. JDO stands for Java Data Objects and is an attempt abstract the data storage manipulation. The code is instrumented with Java annotations like @Persistent, it is instrumented at compile time, and dynamically connect to the data source thanks few properties files. Look at the App Engine - Using the Datastore with JDO documentation for more information.
  6. For general limitations, check this page Will it play in App Engine. For JDO related limitations, check the bottom of the page Usin JDO with App Engine.