Monday, October 5, 2009

Internationalization and my two-tiers-utils library

This is a follow-up article of Internationalization of GAE applications, which itself is part of the series Web Application on Resources in the Cloud.

In my initial article, I explained some hurdles of globalizing applications, especially the ones being implemented with many programming languages. In this article, I'm going to describe few use-cases and how my open-source library two-tiers-utils can ease the implementation. Here are the covered topics:
  1. Get the user's preferred locale
  2. Display messages in different locales
  3. Handle localized messages with different programming languages
  4. Generate the localized bundles per programming language
  5. Bonus

Get the user's preferred locale

For this use-case, let's only consider the Java programming language. Another assumption is the availability of the localized resources in the corresponding Java format (i.e. accessible via a PropertyResourceBundle instance).

In a Web application, the user's preferred locale can be retrieved from:
  • The HTTP headers:
    locale = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getLocale();
  • The HTTP session (if saved there previously):
    HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession(false);
    if (session != null) {
      locale = new Locale((String) session.getAttribute(SESSION_USER_LOCALE_ID));
  • The record containing the user's information:
    locale = ((UserDTO) user).getPreferredLocale();
To ease this information retrieval, the two-tiers-utils library provides the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController class

Excerpt of public methods offered within domderrien.i18n.LocaleController

This class can be used in two situations:
  1. In a login form, for example, when we can just guess the desired locale from the browser preferred language list or from an argument in the URL.
  2. In pages accessible to identified users thanks to the HTTP session.
Usage example of the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController.detectLocale()
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
    contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    // Locale detection
    Locale locale = LocaleController.detectLocale(request);
    <title><%= LabelExtractor.get("dd2tu_applicationName", locale) %></title>
        title="<%= LabelExtractor.get("dd2tu_topCommandBox_helpIconLabel", locale) %>"

The same message in different locales

The previous example introduces also a second class: domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor. Being given an identifier, an optional array of Object references, and a locale, the get static method loads the corresponding string from the localized resource bundle.

Excerpt of public methods offered within domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor
A series of localized entries like en:“Welcome {0} {1}”, fr:“Bonjour {2} {1}”, and ja:“お早う {0}{1}” can be easily invoked with a simple command like: LabelExtractor.get("welcome_message", new Object[] { user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName() }, user.getLocale());.

The same message used from different programming languages

Java is a pretty neat language with a large set of editors and code inspectors. But Java is not the only languages used for Web applications. If the two-tiers-utils library provides nice Java features, the delivery of the same library interfaces for the programming languages JavaScript and Python libraries makes it way more valuable!

Code of the domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.get() method for the JavaScript language.
(function() { // To limit the scope of the private variables

     * @author dom.derrien
     * @maintainer dom.derrien
    var module = dojo.provide("domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor");

    var _dictionnary = null;

    module.init = function(/*String*/ namespace, /*String*/ filename, /*String*/ locale) {
        // Dojo uses dash-separated (e.g en-US not en_US) and uses lower case names (e.g en-us not en_US)
        locale = (locale || dojo.locale).replace('_','-').toLowerCase();

        // Load the bundle
        try {
            // Notes:
            // - Cannot use the notation "dojo.requirelocalization" because dojo parser
            //   will try to load the bundle when this file is interpreted, instead of
            //   waiting for a call with meaningful "namespace" and "filename" values
            dojo["requireLocalization"](namespace, filename, locale); // Blocking call getting the file per XHR or <iframe/>

            _dictionary = dojo.i18n.getLocalization(namespace, filename, locale);
        catch(ex) {
            alert("Deployment issue:" +
                    "\nCannot get localized bundle " + namespace + "." + filename + " for the locale " + locale +
                    "\nMessage: " + ex

        return module;

    module.get = function(/*String*/key, /*Array*/args) {
        if (_dictionary == null) {
            return key;
        var message = _dictionary[key] || key;
        if (args != null) {
            dojo.string.substituteParams(message, args);
        return message;

})(); // End of the function limiting the scope of the private variables

The following piece of code illustrates how the JavaScript domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor class instance should be initialized (the value of the locale variable can come from dojo.locale or a value injected server-side into a JSP page) and how it can be invoked to get a localized label.

Usage example of the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController.get()
(function() { // To limit the scope of the private variables

    var module = dojo.provide("");


    var _labelExtractor;

    module.init = function(/*String*/ locale) {
        // Get the localized resource bundle
        _labelExtractor = domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.init(
                locale // The library is going to fallback on dojo.locale if this parameter is null


    module._postData = function(/*String*/ url, /*Object*/ jsonParams) {
        var transaction = dojo.xhrPost({
            content : jsonParams,
            handleAs : "json",
            load : function(/*object*/ response, /*Object*/ioargs) {
                if (response == null) {
                    // Message prepared client-side
                    _reportError(_labelExtractor.get("dd2tu_xhr_unexpectedError"), [ioargs.xhr.status]);
                if (!response.success) {
                    // Message prepared server-side
                    _reportError(_labelExtractor.get(response.messageKey), response.msgParams);
            error : function(/*Error*/ error, /*Object*/ ioargs) {
                    // Message prepared client-side
                _reportError(error.message, [ioargs.xhr.status]);
            url : url

    var _reportError = function(/*String*/ message, /*Number ?*/xhrStatus) {
        var console = dijit.byId("errorConsole");


})(); // End of the function limiting the scope of the private variables

The following series of code excerpts show the pieces involved in getting the localized resources with the Python programming language.

LabelExtractor methods definitions from domderrien/i18n/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import en
import fr
def init(locale):
    """Initialize the global dictionary for the specified locale"""
    global dict
    if locale == "fr":
        dict = fr._getDictionary()
    else: # "en" is the default language
        dict = en._getDictionary()
    return dict

Sample of a localized dictionary from domderrien/i18n/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
dict_en = {}
def _getDictionary():
    global dict_en
    if (len(dict_en) == 0):
    return dict_en
def _fetchDictionary(dict):
    dict["_language"] = "English"
    dict["dd2tu_applicationName"] = "Test Application"
    dict["dd2tu_welcomeMsg"] = "Welcome {0}."

Definitions of filters used by the Django templates, from domderrien/i18n/
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
def get(dict, key):
    return dict[key]
def replace0(pattern, value0):
    return pattern.replace("{0}", str(value0))
def replace1(pattern, value1):
    return pattern.replace("{1}", str(value1))
register = webapp.template.create_template_register()

Django template from domderrien/blog/Test.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <title>{{ dictionary|get:dd2tu_applicationName }}</title>
    <div class="...">{{ dictionary|get:dd2tu_welcomeMsg|replace0:parameters.loggedUser }}</div>

Test handler from domderrien/blog/
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template

def prepareDictionary(Request):
    locale = request.get('lang', 'en')
    return LabelExtractor.init(locale)

class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        parameters = {}
        parameters ['dictionary'] = domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.init(self.request)
        parameters ['loggedUser'] = users.get_current_user()
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'domderrien/blog/Test.html')
        self.response.out.write(template.render(path, parameters))

application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
    [('/', MainPage)],
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

Generate the localized bundles per programming language

In my previous post Internationalization of GAE applications, I suggest to use a dictionary format that would be programming lnaguage agnostic while being known by translator: TMX, for Tanslation Memory eXchange.

Snippet of a translation unit definition for a TMX formatted file
<tu tuid="dd2tu_welcomeMessage" datatype="Text">
 <tuv xml:lang="en">
  <seg>Welcome {0}</seg>
 <note>{0} is going to be replaced by the logged user's display name</note>
 <prop type="x-tier">dojotk</prop>
 <prop type="x-tier">javarb</prop>
 <prop type="x-tier">python</prop>

The two-tiers-utils library provides a Java runtime that generates the resource bundles for Java/JavaScript/Python. If a simple series of XSL-Transform runs can do the job, the TMXConverter does a bit more by:
  • Comparing the modification dates of the generated files with the TMX one to generate them only if needed
  • Check the uniqueness of the label keys
  • Generate the list of supported languages
Invoking the TMXConverter runtime from an ant build file is very simple, while a bit verbose:

Ant target definition invoking the TMXConverter
<target name="step-tmx-convert">
    <mkdir dir="${temp.dir}/resources" />
    <mkdir dir="src/WebContent/js/domderrien/i18n/nls" />
    <java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true">
        <classpath refid="tmxconverter.classpath" />
        <classpath location="${temp.dir}/resources" />
        <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" />
        <arg value="-tmxFilenameBase" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.localizedLabelBaseFilename}" />
        <arg value="-sourcePath" />
        <arg value="${basedir}\src\resources" />
        <arg value="-jsDestPath" />
        <arg value="${basedir}\src\WebContent\js\domderrien\i18n\nls" />
        <arg value="-javaDestPath" />
        <arg value="${temp.dir}/resources" />
        <arg value="-languageFilenameBase" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.languageListFilename}" />
        <arg value="-buildStamp" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.stageId}" />
    <mkdir dir="src/WebContent/js/domderrien/i18n/nls/en" />

With the TMX file as the source of thruth for the label definitions, it is just a matter of altering the value a <prop/> tag and running the build once again to move one label definition from one programming language to another. No more error prone copy-and-paste of text between different file formats!

Excerpt of the generated Java resource bundle
dd2tu_applicationName="Test Application"
dd2tu_welcomeMessage=Welcome {0}

Excerpt of the generated JavaScript resource bundle
dd2tu_applicationName:"Test Application",
dd2tu_welcomeMessage:"Welcome ${0}",

Excerpt of the generated Python class definition
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
dict_en = {}
def _getDictionary():
    global dict_en
    if (len(dict_en) == 0):
    return dict_en
def _fetchDictionary(dict):
    dict["_language"] = "English"
    dict["dd2tu_applicationName"] = "Test Application"
    dict["dd2tu_welcomeMsg"] = "Welcome {0}."
    dict["x_timestamp"] = "20091001.1001"


The TMXConverter being part of the build process and going over all localized TMX files, it generates the list of supported languages.

JSP code fetching a HTML &ltselect/> box with the list of supported languages
<span class="topCommand topCommandLabel"><%= LabelExtractor.get("rwa_loginLanguageSelectBoxLabel", locale) %></span>
    title="<%= LabelExtractor.get("rwa_loginLanguageSelectBoxLabel", locale) %>"
    ResourceBundle languageList = LocaleController.getLanguageListRB();
    Enumeration<String> keys = languageList.getKeys();
    while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = keys.nextElement();%>
        <option<% if (key.equals(localeId)) { %> selected<% } %> value="<%= key %>"><%= languageList.getString(key) %></option><%
    } %>

The following figures illustrates the corresponding code in action.

Part of a login screen as defined with the default (English) TMX file.

Part of a login screen as defined with the French TMX file.


The two-tiers-utils library is offered with the BSD-like license. Anyone is free to use it for his own purposes. but I'll appreciate any feedback, contribution, and feature requirement.

See you on ;)
“May the fork be with you.”

A+, Dom

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