Sunday, March 21, 2010

Amazon FPS library for the Google App Engine environment

Here is a post on Amazon Flexible Payments System (FPS) and the beauty of the open source model!

Amazon FPS as the payment platform

!twetailer is an application connecting people to people, consumers to retailers and vice-versa. The business model is freemiun-based:
  • Posting demands, receiving proposals, and accepting proposals is available for free to any customers.
  • Listening to demands, proposing products or services, and closing deals is available for free to any registered retailers.
  • At one point, !twetailer is going to offer retailers to ask consumers to pay for the accepted products or services. The payment platform is going to be Amazon FPS1.

Amazon FPS is a really neat platform, the only one to my knowledge allowing to organize money transfers between third-parties. With Amazon FPS, !twetailer will be able to convey money from the consumers directly to the retailers, without the money transiting on !twetailer own account! This is a really safe mechanism.

As a quick introduction to Amazon FPS, I would strongly suggest you listen to that one hour webcast introduced on Amazon Payments blog on April 7, 2009: Monetize your innovation with Amazon FPS. If you use the open-source tool VideoLAN VLC, you can load the ASX file directly from Akamai from here.

Amazon and the open-source model

Amazon FPS, as many others Amazon Web Services (AWS), allows third-party applications to use its services through very simple APIs which are HTTP based! The libraries that developers need to use are mostly wrappers over HTTP connections with some specific controllers formatting the requests and signing them (to avoid a man-in-the-middle process tampering them).

Because HTTP is an open protocol and because Amazon could not probably develop its libraries for all possible Web servers, Amazon opened the libraries' source and attached to them a very liberal license2.

This is a very respectable attitude regarding their customers and also very well thought on the business-side: if developers can adopt their libraries for their own needs, Amazon won't have to pay for the corresponding development and it will enlarge the set of applications their platform can serve!

Amazon FPS on Google App Engine platform

The !twetailer server-side logic is Java based and dropping the Amazon FPS library freshly compiled in war/WEB-INF/lib is simple. However, the Amazon FPS code cannot run as-is because of few App Engine limitations...

The first one is encountered when the application needs to build the URL that will launch the co-branded service, a page that will allow consumers to pay for the service or product previously proposed by a retailer.
The static method HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(boolean) controls the VM behavior and is then guarded by a JVM permission.
Read the incident report in the Google App Engine discussion group.

Fixing this issue is simple: tune the ability to follow redirection on the connection itself instead of applying the settings globally.

The second issue is really major:
The library uses the Jakarta Commons HttpClient component to convey payment requests from the application to the Amazon infrastructure. And many of its underlying calls are blocked in Google App Engine Java environment.
I asked for advices on AWS FPS forums. But without response, I have decided to go with my own wrapper of the Google URL Fetch mimicking the HttpClient HttpConnectionManager and HttpConnection classes.

Wrappers of Google URL Fetch for Amazon FPS

Following Amazon's leadership, I offer the URL Fetch wrappers that allows Amazon FPS to work on Google App Engine platform:
The code currently available works in the simple scenario !twetailer needs. But it is still under development. And the test suite covering it is not yet completed.

UrlFetchConnectionManager class definition
 *  Adaptation for the Amazon FPS library to work on the Java platform of
 *  Google App Engine.
 *  Copyright 2010 Dom Derrien
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

package domderrien.wrapper.UrlFetch;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams;

public class UrlFetchConnectionManager implements HttpConnectionManager {

 private HttpConnectionManagerParams params;
 private HttpConnection connection;
 public void closeIdleConnections(long timeout) {
  throw new RuntimeException("closeIdleConnections(long)");

 public HttpConnection getConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration) {
  throw new RuntimeException("getConnection(HostConfiguration)");
  // return null;

 public HttpConnection getConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, long timeout) throws HttpException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getConnection(HostConfiguration, long)");
  // return null;

 public HttpConnection getConnectionWithTimeout(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration, long timeout) throws ConnectionPoolTimeoutException {
  // As reported in
  // > The app cannot set explicit connection timeouts for the request.
  if (connection != null) {
  connection = new UrlFetchHttpConnection(hostConfiguration);
  return connection;

 public HttpConnectionManagerParams getParams() {
  return params;

 public void releaseConnection(HttpConnection connection) {

 public void setParams(HttpConnectionManagerParams params) {
  // Parameters set in AmazonFPSClient#configureHttpClient:
        // - ConnectionTimeout: 50000 ms
  // - SoTimeout: 50000 ms
  // - StaleCheckingEnabled: true
  // - TcpNoDelay: true
  // - MaxTotalConnections: 100 (as proposed in the default file)
  // - MaxConnectionsPerHost: 100 (as proposed in the default file)

  this.params = params;

UrlFetchConnection class definition
 *  Adaptation for the Amazon FPS library to work on the Java platform of
 *  Google App Engine.
 *  Copyright 2010 Dom Derrien
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

package domderrien.wrapper.UrlFetch;



import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol;


public class UrlFetchHttpConnection extends HttpConnection {

 private static URLFetchService urlFS = URLFetchServiceFactory.getURLFetchService();

 private HostConfiguration hostConfiguration;
 private HTTPRequest _request;
 private HTTPResponse _response;
 private MockOutputStream _requestBody = new MockOutputStream();
 private MockInputStream _responseBody = new MockInputStream();

 private HTTPRequest getRequest() throws MalformedURLException {
  if (_request == null) {
   _request = new HTTPRequest(
     new URL(hostConfiguration.getHostURL()), 
     HTTPMethod.POST, // AmazonFPSClient#invoke(Class, Map) uses only POST method
  return _request;
 private static final String SEPARATOR = ": ";
 private static final int SEPARATOR_LENGTH = SEPARATOR.length();
 private static final String NEW_LINE = "\r\n";

 private HTTPResponse getResponse() throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
  if (_response == null) {
   // Get the response from the remote service
   _response = urlFS.fetch(getRequest());
   // Rebuild stream of HTTP headers (except the HTTP status retrieved from readLine(String) method)
   StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
   for (HTTPHeader header: _response.getHeaders()) {
   buffer.append("Content-Length: ").append(_response.getContent().length).append(NEW_LINE);
   // Rebuild stream of HTTP content (chunked-encoded)
   buffer.append(Integer.toString(_response.getContent().length, 16)).append(";chunk size").append(NEW_LINE);
   buffer.append(new String(_response.getContent())).append(NEW_LINE);
  return _response;

  * Default constructor
  * @param hostConfiguration
 public UrlFetchHttpConnection(HostConfiguration hostConfiguration) {
  this.hostConfiguration = hostConfiguration;

 protected void assertNotOpen() throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("assertNotOpen()");

 protected void assertOpen() throws IllegalStateException {
  assert(_response != null);

 public void close() {
  // Nothing to do!

 public boolean closeIfStale() throws IOException {
  // Safe call, passed to the inherited method
  return super.closeIfStale();

 protected void closeSocketAndStreams() {
  throw new RuntimeException("closeSocketAndStreams()");

 public void flushRequestOutputStream() throws IOException {

 public String getHost() {
  return hostConfiguration.getHost();

 public HttpConnectionManager getHttpConnectionManager() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getHttpConnectionManager()");

 public InputStream getLastResponseInputStream() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getLastResponseInputStream()");

 public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getLocalAddress()");

 public HttpConnectionParams getParams() {
  return new HttpConnectionParams();

 public int getPort() {
  return hostConfiguration.getPort();

 public Protocol getProtocol() {
  return hostConfiguration.getProtocol();

 public String getProxyHost() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getProxyHost()");

 public int getProxyPort() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getProxyPort()");

 public OutputStream getRequestOutputStream() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  return _requestBody;

 public InputStream getResponseInputStream() throws IOException {
  return _responseBody;

 public int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSendBufferSize()");

 protected Socket getSocket() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSocket()");

 public int getSoTimeout() throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("getSoTimeout()");

 public String getVirtualHost() {
  throw new RuntimeException("getVirtualHost()");

 protected boolean isLocked() {
  throw new RuntimeException("isLocked()");

 public boolean isOpen() {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method
  return super.isOpen();

 public boolean isProxied() {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method
  return super.isProxied();

 public boolean isResponseAvailable() throws IOException {
  return _response != null;

 public boolean isResponseAvailable(int timeout) throws IOException {
  return _response != null;

 public boolean isSecure() {
  return hostConfiguration.getPort() == 443;

 protected boolean isStale() throws IOException {
  throw new RuntimeException("isStale()");

 public boolean isStaleCheckingEnabled() {
  throw new RuntimeException("isStaleCheckingEnabled()");

 public boolean isTransparent() {
  // Safe call, passed to the inherited method
  return super.isTransparent();
 public void open() throws IOException {
  // Nothing to do

 public void print(String data, String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  // Save the passed HTTP headers for the request
  int idx = data.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
  if (idx != -1) {
   String name = data.substring(0, idx);
   String value = data.substring(idx + SEPARATOR_LENGTH).trim();
   getRequest().addHeader(new HTTPHeader(name, value));
  // Other information are just ignored safely 

 public void print(String data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("print(string): " + data);

 public void printLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine()");

 public void printLine(String data, String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine(string, String): " + data + " -- " + charset);

 public void printLine(String data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("printLine(string): " + data);

 public String readLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("readLine()");

 private boolean waitForHttpStatus = true;
 public String readLine(String charset) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  if (waitForHttpStatus) {
   // Dom Derrien: called only once to get the HTTP status, other information being read from the response output stream
   int responseCode = getResponse().getResponseCode();
   String line = "HTTP/1.1 " + responseCode;
   switch(responseCode) {
    case HttpStatus.SC_OK: line += " OK"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST: line += " BAD REQUEST"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED: line += " UNAUTHORIZED"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN: line += " FORBIDDEN"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: line += " NOT FOUND"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: line += " INTERNAL SERVER ERROR"; break;
    case HttpStatus.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: line += " SERVICE UNAVAILABLE"; break;
    default: line = "HTTP/1.1 " + HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST + " BAD REQUEST";
   waitForHttpStatus = false;
   return line;
  throw new RuntimeException("readLine(String)");

 public void releaseConnection() {
  // Do nothing, connection closed automatically...

 public void setConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setConnectionTimeout(int)");

 public void setHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setHost(String");

 public void setHttpConnectionManager(HttpConnectionManager httpConnectionManager) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setHttpConnectionManager(HttpConnectionManager");

 public void setLastResponseInputStream(InputStream inStream) {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setLocalAddress(InetAddress localAddress) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setLocalAddress(InetAddress)");

 protected void setLocked(boolean locked) {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setParams(HttpConnectionParams params) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setParams(HttpConnectionParams)");

 public void setPort(int port) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setPort(int)");

 public void setProtocol(Protocol protocol) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProtocol(Protocol)");

 public void setProxyHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProxyHost(String)");

 public void setProxyPort(int port) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setProxyPort(int)");

 public void setSendBufferSize(int sendBufferSize) throws SocketException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setSendBufferSize(int)");

 public void setSocketTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException, IllegalStateException {
  // Safe call, passed to inherited method

 public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setSoTimeout(int)");

 public void setStaleCheckingEnabled(boolean staleCheckEnabled) {
  throw new RuntimeException("setStaleCheckingEnabled(boolean)");

 public void setVirtualHost(String host) throws IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("setVirtualHost(String)");

 public void shutdownOutput() {
  throw new RuntimeException("shutdownOutput()");

 public void tunnelCreated() throws IllegalStateException, IOException {
  throw new RuntimeException("tunnelCreated()");

 public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("write(byte[], int, int): " + new String(data) + ", " + offset + ", " + length);

 public void write(byte[] data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("write(byte[]): " + new String(data));

 public void writeLine() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  // Safe call, new line being inserted automatically by the HTTPRequest renderer

 public void writeLine(byte[] data) throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
  throw new RuntimeException("writeLine(byte[]): " + new String(data));

Anyone is free to fork it for his own needs. Be careful with the code because I deliver it without warranties! If you have issues to report, if you can document how to reproduce them, depending on my workload, I will help you. If you fix the issue on your side, I will be happy to merge the corresponding patches into my main branch.

I hope this helps,
A+, Dom
  1. At least in United States of America until Amazon extends its coverage to company without a US bank account.
  2. Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004, which allows users to make modifications while keeping them private.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ladies and gentlemen, here is !twetailer

On Tuesday March 9 evening, my partner Steven Milstein and I attended a Montreal NewTech event. As three other companies, Steven pitched our project !twetailer to a crowd of 30-40 people. After few closed presentations, it was our first public pitch and it went very well! Read Steven's blog post for the details.


I met Steven while working for IBM Rational. He was the Business Analyst while I was the Software Architect for the Web client of the Rational Portfolio Manager product. When Steven came to me with the Reverse Retailing idea, we agreed to develop it as a proof-of-concept for our own expertise.

We worked so well that we submitted our project to TechCrunch50 (TC50). If we were not among the 50 finalists, we passed the first selection round on 1000+ applicants and we had the chance to present it to Jason Calacanis during 15 minutes last August.

Boosted by the appreciation we got from Jason, we continued to focus on developing user stories and the corresponding code. We were ready to demo the full cycle early this January. Two months later, after many tests and fine tuning, we are opening !twetailer to broader audience!


!twetailer first objective is to “connect supply and demand”, specifically “connect consumers to retailers” in its first version.

Look at this original presentation to get the sense of !twetailer ;) We made it months ago but it's still very accurate. Don't miss the part describing the hub, starting at 3:00.

After the presentation, we got many feedback from the audience and most of our interlocutors got it right. Here is the interpretation of Max Maheu, the presenter of the SolidWild company:
  • Max: If I register my company and listen for the tags “3d printing prototype logo”, all people using !twetailer will get to me?
  • Me: Exactly. All demands posted with one or many corresponding tags in the Montreal area will be forwarded to you, will be routed to you for free ;)
  • ...
  • Me: At this stage, it's possible you'll get unrealistic demands, many of them with the #demo tag. But if you respond to them, that means if you propose something, your message will be routed back to the consumers and your business information will be displayed to them!
  • Max: It's like advertising my business then! Cool.
What's next?

As mentioned by Guy Kawasaki in Montreal in March 2009, we have chosen to "launch early and to correct progressively". If all the delivered features are fully functional, there is still a long road to go in delivering the full feature set.

At this step, we need to get users, that means consumers and retailers, playing with the system and giving us their feedback.

To collect the information, we have organize the community site, implemented with the excellent social software from Cynapse. To value the contributions, we have setup a Work-for-attribution protocol: any community member that makes a significant contribution will have his/her work publicly recognized. Any volunteer?

We need also to work on the marketing side:
  • The brand !twetailer seems too tightly related to Twitter, while using Twitter is just one among the various set of connectors taking to our engine.
  • If !twetailer initial targets are consumers and retailers in a public market, it can work with closed markets, where wholesalers communicate with manufacturers, for example. This aspect needs to be documented and illustrated.
  • To ensure a vibrant life to !twetailer, we have plan to open its API to third-party developers, a bit a-la Twitter. Closed friends have already accepted to develop clients (under the Work-for-Attribution CLA) that will exercise it, but we need a stronger communication there too.
Thanks a lot to our families and closed friends for encouraging us on the entrepreneurship path. Thanks to anyone for the feedback because they help us improving !twetailer.

Call to contributors

!twetailer is a big project with a development still growing, so there's a lot of room for anyone to showcase their knowledge!
  • If you're a developer with Java/JavaScript skills,
  • If you're a tester with automation experience,
  • If you're a UI designer & Interactivity specialist,
  • If you're marketer with a Web 2.0 & Social software experience,
  • If you're a simple consumer in touch with a vibrant community,
  • If you're a business owner looking for new ways to reach your customers,
  • Etc.
Don't hesitate to contact Steven (Steven@Twitter or or myself (Dom@Twitter or and we'll exchange on our community site at

A+, Dom

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ma nouvelle vie en tant qu'entrepreneur !

La démission

Il y a trois semaines, j'ai démissionné de mon poste de Consultant technique pour la compagnie Compuware, à Montréal. Plusieurs facteurs m'ont poussé à prendre cette décision :
  • Mon projet [toujours secret] personnel arrive à maturité et les conditions de sa mise en marché sont à envisager sérieusement;
  • Mon boss Paul Czarnik m'assigne sur un projet en relation avec l'intégration des outils de Gomez (récemment achetée par Compuware) dans le produit phare Vantage.
  • Le récent chaos provoqué par le tremblement de terre en Haïti offre une opportunité de proposer mon projet personnel aux organismes d'aide, dans la même veine de ce qui sera proposé aux organismes de Microfinance, comme Diku Dilenga et Jamii Bora.
D'un côté, il y avait un assignement plus prenant avec mon employeur, et de l'autre, il y avait une demande d'attention plus importante pour aborder une phase critique. J'ai finalement opté pour la démission. Youpi, je suis maintenant indépendant !

Certains amis m'ont demandé si cela avait un rapport avec mon âge (ils se souviennent de mon articule Le cap des 40 ans). Réponse simple: pas du tout, pas de middle-age crisis en vue ;)

C'est plus le cotoiement, même par Internet ou livre interposé, avec des gens inspirant comme Guy Kawasaki (GK's keynote in Montreal) qui me poussent à aller de l'avant, pour « faire quelque chose qui a du sens. »

Et maintenant ?

Du temps où je travaillais en tant qu'Architecte logiciel pour IBM Rational, à Montréal, j'avais eu le plaisir de travailler avec Steven Milstein qui avait le rôle d'Analyste d'affaires.

L'idée originale du projet qui m'occupe dorénavant est de Steven. Avec mon expérience, j'ai pris en charge le développement en nous appuyant sur des outils très accessibles comme :
Le travail de collaboration (user stories, blogues techniques, support à la communauté des participants, etc.) est colligé sur la plateforme, sélectionnée par Steven pour sa grande qualité et l'évolution rapide de son développement.

Dans l'immédiat, je me concentre sur la mise au point de l'outil, passant d'un rythme de 15 à 20 heures par semaine à quelques 60 heures et plus. En ce moment, le code représente environ 13.000 lignes de code pour 33.000 lignes de test, rien que pour la partie serveur !

Si nous avons fait plusieurs présentations réelles du produit, nous sommes fin prêts pour faire des présentations plus larges, toujours sous le coup d'accord de non divulgation cependant. Idéalement, nous souhaitons avoir des partenariats pour avoir une masse critique et aller de l'avant en ouvrant les portes à tout à chacun ! Excitant, non ?

Parce que nous pensons que notre produit peut aider à la coordination des équipes d'aide aux sinistrés en Haïti, nous avons pris des contacts pour le leur proposer à titre gratuit, mais pour lequel il faut assumer les frais d'exploitation. Comme les contacts se font au niveau gouvernemental, du Canada et du Québec, ou au niveau de grandes ONGs comme la Croix Rouge ou MSF, il risque de se passer un certain temps avant que notre proposition trouve un écho favorable. Le suivi des contacts se poursuit.

Le futur

Pour le moment, je suis sans revenu. N'ayant pas de dettes colossales, ayant un train de vie modeste, je pense pouvoir être en roue libre pendant quelques mois sans que ma famille en patisse.

Avec Steven, en attendant que le grand projet avance, et en exploitant notre expérience des outils de socialisation, nous avons développé une offre reposant sur et dirigée vers les écoles et l'initiation des élèves. Le projet s'appelle—voir le blog de Steven pour plus de détails.

Pendant la période de lancement, étant toujours « programmeur » sur des technologies récentes, j'ai le sentiment que mon capital de « connaissance technologique » restera solide. Ma communication sur ce blogue en témoignera ;) Le cas échéant, je pourrais toujours aller à la recherche de contrat de consultant pour partager mes connaissances.

Mon activité pour l'organisme de microfinance Diku Dilenga continue, toujours pour le soutien technique, moins en tant qu'investisseur privé. Si le grand projet décolle par contre, je consacrerai du temps pour son adaptation aux organismes de microfinance avec pour objectif d'aider les microentrepreneurs et de d'offrir une source de revenus aux dits organismes.

À suivre donc,
A+, Dom

Friday, November 20, 2009

Unit tests, Mock objects, and App Engine

For my [still a secret] project which is running on Google App Engine infrastructure [1], I want to make it as solid as possible from the beginning by applying most of the best practices of the Agile methodology [2].

Update 2009/12/05:
With the release of the App Engine Java SDK 1.2.8 (read release notes, I had to update my code and this post on two points:
  • Without the specification of the JDO inheritance type, the environment assumes it's superclass-table. This type is not supported by App Engine. Only subclass-table and complete-table are supported. In the Entity class described below, I had to add @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE). Read the documentation about Defining data classes for more information.
  • With the automation of the task execution, the MockAppEngineEnvironment class listed below had to be updated to serve an expected value when the Queue runs in the live environment. Read the details on the thread announcing the 1.2.8. SDK prerelease on Google Groups.
Now, all tests pass again ;)

As written on my post from September 18, I had to develop many mock classes to keep reaching the mystical 100% of code coverage (by unit tests) [3]. A good introduction of mock objects is given by Vincent Massol in his book “JUnit in Action” [4]. To summarize, mock objects are especially useful to inject behavior and force the code using them to exercise complex control flows.

Developing applications for Google App Engine is not that complex because the system has a good documentation and an Eclipse plug-in ease the first steps.

Use case description

Let's consider a simple class organization implementing a common J2EE pattern:

  • A DTO class for a Consumer;
  • The DAO class getting the Consumer from the persistence layer, and sending it back with updates; and
  • A Controller class routing REST requests. The Controller is an element of the implemented MVC pattern
Use case illustration

The code for the DTO class is instrumented with JDO annotations [5]:

Consumer DTO class definition
@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable="true")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
public class Consumer extends Entity {
    private String address;
    private String displayName;
    private String email;
    private String facebookId;
    private String jabberId;
    private Long locationKey;
    private String twitterId;
    /** Default constructor */
    public Consumer() {
     * Creates a consumer
     * @param in HTTP request parameters
    public Consumer(JsonObject parameters) {
    public String getAddress() {
        return address;
    public void setAddress(String address) {
        this.address = address;

My approach for the DAO class is modular:

  • When the calling code is doing just one call, like the ConsumerOperations.delete(String) method deleting the identified Consumer instance, the call can be done without the persistence layer knowledge.
  • When many calls to the persistence layer are required, the DAO API offers the caller to pass a PersistenceManager instance that can be re-used from call to call. With the combination of the detachable="true" parameter specified in the JDO annotation for the Consumer class, it saves many cycles.
Excerpt from the ConsumerOperations DAO class definition
 * Persist the given (probably updated) resource
 * @param consumer Resource to update
 * @return Updated resource
 * @see ConsumerOperations#updateConsumer(PersistenceManager, Consumer)
public Consumer updateConsumer(Consumer consumer) {
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
    try {
        // Persist updated consumer
        return updateConsumer(pm, consumer);
    finally {
 * Persist the given (probably updated) resource while leaving the given persistence manager open for future updates
 * @param pm Persistence manager instance to use - let opened at the end to allow possible object updates later
 * @param consumer Resource to update
 * @return Updated resource
public Consumer updateConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Consumer consumer) {
    return pm.makePersistent(consumer);

The following piece of the abstract class BaseOperations shows the accessor made availabe to any controller code to get one handle of a valid PersistenceManager instance.

Excerpt from the abstract BaseOperations DAO class definition
 * Accessor isolated to facilitate tests by IOP
 * @return Persistence manager instance
public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
    PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManagerFactory().getPersistenceManager();
    return pm;

To finish the use case setup, here is a part of the controller code which deals with incoming HTTP requests and serves or operates accordingly. This specific piece of code replies to a GET request like:

  • Invocation: http://<host:port>/API/Consumer/43544"
  • Response:
    • {key:43544, displayName:"John", address:"75, Queen, Montréal, Qc, Canada", 
      locationKey:3245, location: {id:3245, postalCode:"H3C2N6", countryCode:"CA",
      latitude:43.3, longitude:-73.4}, ...}
Excerpt from the ConsumerRestlet Controller class definition
protected JsonObject getResource(JsonObject parameters, String resourceId, User loggedUser) throws DataSourceException {
    PersistenceManager pm = getBaseOperations().getPersistenceManager();
    try {
        // Get the consumer instance
        Consumer consumer = getConsumerOperations().getConsumer(pm, Long.valueOf(resourceId));
        JsonObject output = consumer.toJson();
        // Get the related information
        Long locationKey = consumer.getLocationKey();
        if (locationKey != null) {
            Location location = getLocationOperations().getLocation(pm, locationKey);
            output.put(Consumer.LOCATION, location.toJson());
        // Return the complete set of information
        return output;
    finally {

Simple mock

Now, it's time to test! To start slowly, let's deal with the Restlet getResource() method to verify:

  • Just one and only one instance of PersistenceManager is loaded by the function;
  • The PersistenceManager instance is cleanly closed at the end of the process;
  • There's a call issued to get the identified Consumer instance;
  • There's possibly a call issued to get the identified Location instance;
  • The output value has the expected information.

In the corresponding unit test series, we don't want to interfere with the App Engine infrastructure (the following chapter will address that aspect). So we'll rely on a mock for the PersistenceManager class that will be injected into the ConsumerRestlet code. The full source of this class is available on my open source project two-tiers-utils: javax.jdo.MockPersistenceManager.

Custom part of the mock for the PersistenceManager class
public class MockPersistenceManager implements PersistenceManager {
    private boolean closed = false; // To keep track of the "closed" state
    public void close() {
        closed = true;
    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

    // ...

Here are the unit tests verifying the different flow paths:

  • When an exception is thrown, because the back-end does not serve the data for example;
  • When the Consumer instance returns without location coordinates;
  • When the Consumer instance is fully documented.
Three tests validating the behavior of the ConsumerRestlet.getResource() method
public void testUnexpectedError() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Done in purpose!");
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
public void testGettingOneConsumer() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            Consumer consumer = new Consumer();
            return consumer;
    final Long locationId = 67890L;
    final LocationOperations locationOps = new LocationOperations() {
        Location getLocation(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            fail("Call not expected here!");
            return null;
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
        @Override LocationOperation getLocationOperations() { return locationOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
    // Post-test verifications
    assertNotSame(0, response.size());
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getLong(Consumer.ID));
public void testGettingConsumerWithLocation() {
    // Test prepration
    final PersistenceManager pm = new MockPersistenceManager();
    final BaseOperations baseOps = new BaseOperations() {
        boolean askedOnce = false;
        PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
            if (askedOnce) {
                fail("Expects only one call");
            askedOnce = true;
            return pm;
    final Long consumerId = 12345L;
    final Long locationId = 67890L;
    final ConsumerOperations consumerOps = new ConsumerOperations() {
        Consumer getConsumer(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(consumerId, id);
            Consumer consumer = new Consumer();
            return consumer;
    final LocationOperations locationOps = new LocationOperations() {
        Location getLocation(PersistenceManager pm, Long id) {
            assertEquals(locationId, id);
            Location location = new Location();
            return location;
    ConsumerRestlet restlet = new ConsumerRestlet() {
        @Override BaseOperation getBaseOperations() { return baseOps; }
        @Override ConsumerOperation getConsumerOperations() { return consumerOps; }
        @Override LocationOperation getLocationOperations() { return locationOps; }
    // Test itself
    JsonObject response = restlet.getResource(null, consumerId.toString, null);
    // Post-test verifications
    assertNotSame(0, response.size());
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getLong(Consumer.ID));
    assertEquals(locationId, response.getLong(Consumer.LOCATION_ID));
    assertEquals(consumerId, response.getJsonObject(Consumer.LOCATION).getLong(Location.ID));

Note that I would have been able to override just the PersistenceManager class to have the Object getObjectById(Object arg0) method returning the expected exception, Consumer, and Location instances. But I would have pass over the strict limit of a unit test by then testing also the behavior of the ConsumerOperations.getConsumer() and LocationOperations.getLocation() methods.

App Engine environment mock

Now, testing the ConsumerOperations class offers a better challenge.

As suggested above, I could override many pieces of the PersistenceManager class to be sure to control the flow. But to do a nice simulation, I almost need to have the complete specification of the Google App Engine infrastructure to be sure I mock it correctly. This is especially crucial when processing Query because Google data store has many limitations [6] that others traditional database, like MySQL, don't have...

Because this documentation is partially available and because Google continues to update its infrastructure, I looked for a way to use the standalone environment made available with the App Engine SDK [1]. This has not been easy because I wanted to have the test running independently from the development server itself. I found first some documentation on Google Code website: Unit Testing With Local Service Implementations, but it was very low level and did not fit with my JDO instrumentation of the DTO classes. Hopefully, I found this article JDO and unit tests from App Engine Fan, a great community contributor I mentioned many times in previous posts!

By cooking information gathered on Google Code website and on App Engine Post, I've produced a I can use for my JUnit4 tests.

Three tests validating the behavior of the ConsumerRestlet.getResource() method
// import ...
 * Mock for the App Engine Java environment used by the JDO wrapper.
 * These class has been build with information gathered on:
 * - App Engine documentation:
 * - App Engine Fan blog:
 * @author Dom Derrien
public class MockAppEngineEnvironment {
    private class ApiProxyEnvironment implements ApiProxy.Environment {
        public String getAppId() {
          return "test";
        public String getVersionId() {
          return "1.0";
        public String getEmail() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isLoggedIn() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isAdmin() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getAuthDomain() {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getRequestNamespace() {
          return "";
        public Map getAttributes() {
            Map out = new HashMap();

            // Only necessary for tasks that are added when there is no "live" request
            // See:
            out.put("", "http://localhost:8080");

            return out;
    private final ApiProxy.Environment env;
    private PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;
    public MockAppEngineEnvironment() {
        env = new ApiProxyEnvironment();
     * Setup the mock environment
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // Setup the App Engine services
        ApiProxyLocalImpl proxy = new ApiProxyLocalImpl(new File(".")) {};
        // Setup the App Engine data store
        proxy.setProperty(LocalDatastoreService.NO_STORAGE_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
     * Clean up the mock environment
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        // Verify that there's no pending transaction (ie pm.close() has been called)
        Transaction transaction = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().getCurrentTransaction(null);
        boolean transactionPending = transaction != null;
        if (transactionPending) {
        // Clean up the App Engine data store
        ApiProxyLocalImpl proxy = (ApiProxyLocalImpl) ApiProxy.getDelegate();
        if (proxy != null) {
            LocalDatastoreService datastoreService = (LocalDatastoreService) proxy.getService("datastore_v3");
        // Clean up the App Engine services
        // Report the issue with the transaction still open
        if (transactionPending) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Found a transaction nor commited neither rolled-back." +
                    "Probably related to a missing PersistenceManager.close() call.");
     * Creates a PersistenceManagerFactory on the fly, with the exact same information
     * stored in the /WEB-INF/META-INF/jdoconfig.xml file.
    public PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory() {
        if (pmf == null) {
            Properties newProperties = new Properties();
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "appengine");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalRead", "true");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.NontransactionalWrite", "true");
            newProperties.put("javax.jdo.option.RetainValues", "true");
            newProperties.put("datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns", "true");
            newProperties.put("datanucleus.appengine.autoCreateDatastoreTxns", "true");
            pmf = JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(newProperties);
        return pmf;
     * Gets an instance of the PersistenceManager class
    public PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() {
        return getPersistenceManagerFactory().getPersistenceManager();

With such a class, the unit test part is easy and I can build complex test cases without worrying about the pertinence of my mock classes! That's really great.

Excerpt of the TestConsumerOperations class
public class TestConsumerOperations {
    private MockAppEngineEnvironment mockAppEngineEnvironment;
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        mockAppEngineEnvironment = new MockAppEngineEnvironment();
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    public void testCreateVI() throws DataSourceException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        final String email = "";
        final String name = "Mr Unit Test";
        Consumer newConsumer = new Consumer();
        // Verify there's no instance
        Query query = new Query(Consumer.class.getSimpleName());
        assertEquals(0, DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().prepare(query).countEntities());
        // Create the user once
        ConsumerOperations ops = new ConsumerOperations();
        Consumer createdConsumer = ops.createConsumer(newConsumer);
        // Verify there's one instance
        query = new Query(Consumer.class.getSimpleName());
        assertEquals(1, DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService().prepare(query).countEntities());
        assertEquals(email, createdConsumer.getEmail());
        assertEquals(name, createdConsumer.getName());
    // ...


As a big fan of TDD, I'm now all set to cover the code of my [still a secret] project efficiently. It does not mean everything is correct, more that everything I thought about is correctly covered. At the time of this writing, just for the server-side logic, the code I produced covers more than 10,000 lines and the unit tests bring an additional set of 23,400 lines.

When it's time to refactor a bit or to add new features (plenty of them are aligned in my task list ;), I feel comfortable because I know I can detect most of regressions (if not all) after 3 minutes of running the test suite.

If you want to follow this example, feel free to get the various mock classes I have added to my two-tiers-utils open-source project. In addition to mock classes for the App Engine environment, you'll find:

  • Basic mock classes for the servlet (see javax.servlet) and packages -- I had to adopt the root javamocks because the JVM class loader does not accept the creation on the fly of classes in the java root).
  • A mock class for twitter4j.TwitterUser -- I needed a class with public constructor and a easy way to create a default account.
  • A series of mock class for David Yu's Project which I use to allow users with OpenID credentials to log in. Read the discussion I had with David on ways to test his code, in fact the code he produced and I customized for my own needs and for other security reasons.

For other details on my library, read my post Internationalization and my two-tiers-utils library.

I hope this helps.

A+, Dom

  1. Google App Engine: the homepage and the SDK page.
  2. See my post on Agile: SCRUM is Hype, but XP is More Important... where I mentionned the following techniques: Continuous Integration (CI), Unit testing and code coverage (CQC), and Continuous refactoring.
  3. I know that keeping 100% as the target for code coverage numbers is a bit extreme. I read this article Don't be fooled by the coverage report soon after I started using Cobertura. In addition to reducing the exposition to bugs, the 100% coverage gives a very high chance to detect regressions before pushing the updates to the source control system!
  4. Vincent Massol; JUnit in Action; Editions Manning; and Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol, and Gary Gregory; JUnit in Action, Second Edition; Editions Massol; I was used to asking any new developer joigning my team to read at least this chapter 7: Testing in isolation with mock objects.
  5. JDO stands for Java Data Objects and is an attempt abstract the data storage manipulation. The code is instrumented with Java annotations like @Persistent, it is instrumented at compile time, and dynamically connect to the data source thanks few properties files. Look at the App Engine - Using the Datastore with JDO documentation for more information.
  6. For general limitations, check this page Will it play in App Engine. For JDO related limitations, check the bottom of the page Usin JDO with App Engine.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Canadian Wireless Management Forum - my review

Last week, I attended the Canadian Wireless Management Forum in Montreal. Honestly, I've been a bit disappointed because none of the presenters were as great as the ones I met last year. Over the day, I've still been able to gather bits of information I want to share here ;) Thanks to my company Compuware to have allowed sparing one day there.

iPhone and other smart phones deployed in enterprises

The main focus of the conference is around managing wireless (read mobile phone) communications in enterprises. Some presenters talked about how to control expenses, from sharing guidelines up to using monitoring tools suggesting policies from the statistical analysis of the monthly bills. Testimonies showed that applying a strict control on the mobile phone usage and on the contracts allowed cutting costs from 10 to 30%!

At one point, Nicolas Arsenault made a strange point. Here is what I remind from his talk:

Credits: smoothouse

Credits:Josh Bancroft
Deploying an iPhone application for your employees, when compared to a BlackBerry application, has a much lower cost because the employee already owns the device or he's more likely to buy it. With the employee paying for the phone, probably paying to get new phones regularly (like to move from a iPhone 3G to the latest 3GS), employers can just assume the data plans and can spend more resources on the application development, that at one point can be offered to the company customers. Another benefit is related to the technical support: phone owners stop annoying enterprises' help desk for their phone, they contact the manufacturers or the software vendors directly (they are on their own)...

If this approach have evident economical benefits, I disagree with it because:
  • In general, letting employees owning their work mobile phones cause problems when they leave the company. Most of employees have a non concurrence clause in their contract, usually valid 6 months after the employment contract termination. During that period, they cannot compete with their previous employer. Imagine a salesperson, an account manager, or a consultant who owns his phone number, who is referenced in the phone directories all his previous contacts. When these contacts want to deal with the company, who do you think they'll call: the mobile phone or the company front line? Now that these employees are out, they don't have to submit their phone bills anymore (as they did with their expenses reports). No one can detect the issues anymore… And this is without mentioning that the employee replacement or his colleagues have no way to get the mobile phone contact list to continue the business as usual!
  • In the company I worked, none let me use my own computer on their network! For the IT departments, this practice would raise too much security concerns. I even know cases that just installing a VPN software on your own machine install silently a bunch of monitoring tools that can mess up your systems (thanks to VirtualBox, it easy to limit these nasty side effects ;). In the old days, when phones were just stupid, just able to handle voice call and exchange text messages (SMS), the risk of phone infection by viruses were pretty negligible. The widely used phone operating system is Symbian, used on Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones, and J2ME is a common application framework, even on phones running Windows Mobile. If the identified viruses are not a lot, and if they are not some damageable (send on your behalf SMS to expensive services, for example), the newest smart platforms provide much more threats because the corresponding phones can host tons of applications. In such an environment, how can a company force software upgrades on systems it does not own? How can it force an employee to upgrade to a new hardware because the current one is compromised?
  • My last point is more ethical: how far companies should go with putting the burden on their employees? An iPhone costs around 800$. It's often offered around 200$ with a 3-year contract, which costs basically around 60$/month with a simple data plan. If the telecom operators (telco) subsidize so aggressively such a phone, they surely expect higher average revenue per user (ARPU). In addition to be linked to the telco for a long period of time (compare 3 years with the 3 to 6 months between technological evolution: 6 to 12 times longer!), employees have to support costs the company should assume. Usually, companies try to provide a comfortable work environment to get most of their employees, and that's fair to me: if the company gives more than the salary, employees are more likely to deliver better work. With the incitation of employees assuming the cost of the new mobile phones, I see a regression: companies give less while expecting more (reachable—possibly traceable—outside the office hours, for example). IMO, it's yet another example of a technological progress that might worsen fragile people condition...

Mobile payment and Near-field-communication (NFC)

Shortly on this topic, I want to mention presentation made by Daniel Martin for Atlas Telecom Mobile, David Robinson for Rogers Wireless, and Prakash Hariramani for Visa. They talked about an experiment conducted downtown Toronto where they were able, thanks to Motorola phones equipped with a NFC emitter and a good number of retailers there, to allow mobile payment over the mobile phone network. Visa's solution, called PayWave™ (MasterCard's one is called PayPass™), was inserted into the Motorola phone extension and allow consumers to pay for their purchase quite easily.

During the discussion, Mr. Robinson talked about Rogers Wireless approach being strictly based on standards. He mentioned the recent u-turn of telco who continued to invest in closed and proprietary solutions (like CDMA) and now move to standardized ones (like HSPA which is an upgrade of GSM, on the road to LTE—see example of Bell and Telus in Canada). Rogers Wireless' approach is then to work with the rest of the major industry players (Orange, Vodafone, etc.) to define a solution for anyone anywhere. Mr. Robinson talked about the possibility to define an extended SIM card (for Subscriber Identity Module; the card contains a micro-SIMCARD processor which manage very securely information). This new SIM card will have NFC capabilities and will be able to interact with contactless payment terminals. It's possible that these SIM cards will contain additional information like driver license identifier that police officers will be able to read, insurance number for the government agencies, etc. The phone will provide the interface to enable the data access, and smart phones with touch screens open the door to various and robust verification techniques.

Because more and more people are more attached to their phone than to their wallet, this approach will possibly be more convenient, more secure, and smaller (no more cash, business cards, credits cards, etc. ;) Who said that implanting the SIM under anyone's skin, a SIM that can unlock your phones, cars, houses, computers, etc, is just science fiction?

Telco business model in danger!

iBwave offers solutions improving in-building wireless coverage. Knowing the fact that 60%-80% of mobile usages are indoor, that telco have difficulties to boost the power or to multiply outdoor antennas near high density areas, these places stay mostly uncovered. Mr. Bouchard illustrated his point with the simulation of the poor performance of the traditional networks on the McGill campus—really amazing! In conclusion, iBwave sits in a very nice and promising niche ;)
The last point of interest to me came from Mario Bouchard, from iBwave.

To introduce his company activities, Mr. Bouchard shows two diagrams which made me think for a while. Let me try to reproduce them.

Mr. Bouchard states that 15 years ago, the innovation came from the network manufacturers: they invented the technology, others created cell phones to connect to the new network, some operators offered (very expensive) plans, and consumers (locked with long term contracts) tried to communicate.

Credits: DigitalAlan
Today, the order has been scrambled:
  • Thanks to the rapid technology evolution, designers of mobile devices can embed many types of sensors into communicant machines, and with the increasing miniaturization, such machines are pervasiveness!
  • Because of the reduced delay between big technology evolutions (think about the iPhone which is just 2 years old), consumers choose their devices carefully, and bargain more to get the best quality-price ratio.
  • Network manufacturers now to their best to provide networks than can deliver at the rhythm the devices can consume. When the European community created the Groupe Spécial Mobile (initial meaning of the GSM acronym, known now for Global System for Mobile communications) in 1982, we had to wait up to 1991 to experiment the first GSM network. GSM is also known the 2G technology. The EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution, or 2.5G) has been introduced in 1999, the first 3G technology (HSPA/UMTS, and EV-DO/CDMA) has been delivered late 2001, and the coming 4G ones (LTE for Long Term Evolution or WiMax) are on the bench.
  • At the end of the line, now there are the telcos:
    • Investments are phenomenal
    • The competition is rude (not rude enough in Canada, IMO)
    • Customers are volatile and they always want the latest phone
    • They have to subsidize the phones to lower the barriers to entry
    • They have to provide the best coverage everywhere
    • Customers are quick to leverage social tools to complain about them
    • Customers don't respect the old rules (read: jailbreak their phone)
    • Customers are not the cash cows they used to be...

I don't think the telco future looks very nice. As traditional telecommunication service providers, they are more and more just Internet providers. Personally, I'm fine with communication on Internet (VOIP/SIP), with the possibility to stream on Internet (,, to receive instant messages (IM) instead of text messages (SMS). And look, when I've a chance to connect my phone to a wifi network, I'm happy to get a better connectivity while saving few bucks.

Interesting developments to follow, aren't they?

A+, Dom

Monday, October 5, 2009

Internationalization and my two-tiers-utils library

This is a follow-up article of Internationalization of GAE applications, which itself is part of the series Web Application on Resources in the Cloud.

In my initial article, I explained some hurdles of globalizing applications, especially the ones being implemented with many programming languages. In this article, I'm going to describe few use-cases and how my open-source library two-tiers-utils can ease the implementation. Here are the covered topics:
  1. Get the user's preferred locale
  2. Display messages in different locales
  3. Handle localized messages with different programming languages
  4. Generate the localized bundles per programming language
  5. Bonus

Get the user's preferred locale

For this use-case, let's only consider the Java programming language. Another assumption is the availability of the localized resources in the corresponding Java format (i.e. accessible via a PropertyResourceBundle instance).

In a Web application, the user's preferred locale can be retrieved from:
  • The HTTP headers:
    locale = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getLocale();
  • The HTTP session (if saved there previously):
    HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession(false);
    if (session != null) {
      locale = new Locale((String) session.getAttribute(SESSION_USER_LOCALE_ID));
  • The record containing the user's information:
    locale = ((UserDTO) user).getPreferredLocale();
To ease this information retrieval, the two-tiers-utils library provides the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController class

Excerpt of public methods offered within domderrien.i18n.LocaleController

This class can be used in two situations:
  1. In a login form, for example, when we can just guess the desired locale from the browser preferred language list or from an argument in the URL.
  2. In pages accessible to identified users thanks to the HTTP session.
Usage example of the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController.detectLocale()
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
    contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    // Locale detection
    Locale locale = LocaleController.detectLocale(request);
    <title><%= LabelExtractor.get("dd2tu_applicationName", locale) %></title>
        title="<%= LabelExtractor.get("dd2tu_topCommandBox_helpIconLabel", locale) %>"

The same message in different locales

The previous example introduces also a second class: domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor. Being given an identifier, an optional array of Object references, and a locale, the get static method loads the corresponding string from the localized resource bundle.

Excerpt of public methods offered within domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor
A series of localized entries like en:“Welcome {0} {1}”, fr:“Bonjour {2} {1}”, and ja:“お早う {0}{1}” can be easily invoked with a simple command like: LabelExtractor.get("welcome_message", new Object[] { user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName() }, user.getLocale());.

The same message used from different programming languages

Java is a pretty neat language with a large set of editors and code inspectors. But Java is not the only languages used for Web applications. If the two-tiers-utils library provides nice Java features, the delivery of the same library interfaces for the programming languages JavaScript and Python libraries makes it way more valuable!

Code of the domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.get() method for the JavaScript language.
(function() { // To limit the scope of the private variables

     * @author dom.derrien
     * @maintainer dom.derrien
    var module = dojo.provide("domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor");

    var _dictionnary = null;

    module.init = function(/*String*/ namespace, /*String*/ filename, /*String*/ locale) {
        // Dojo uses dash-separated (e.g en-US not en_US) and uses lower case names (e.g en-us not en_US)
        locale = (locale || dojo.locale).replace('_','-').toLowerCase();

        // Load the bundle
        try {
            // Notes:
            // - Cannot use the notation "dojo.requirelocalization" because dojo parser
            //   will try to load the bundle when this file is interpreted, instead of
            //   waiting for a call with meaningful "namespace" and "filename" values
            dojo["requireLocalization"](namespace, filename, locale); // Blocking call getting the file per XHR or <iframe/>

            _dictionary = dojo.i18n.getLocalization(namespace, filename, locale);
        catch(ex) {
            alert("Deployment issue:" +
                    "\nCannot get localized bundle " + namespace + "." + filename + " for the locale " + locale +
                    "\nMessage: " + ex

        return module;

    module.get = function(/*String*/key, /*Array*/args) {
        if (_dictionary == null) {
            return key;
        var message = _dictionary[key] || key;
        if (args != null) {
            dojo.string.substituteParams(message, args);
        return message;

})(); // End of the function limiting the scope of the private variables

The following piece of code illustrates how the JavaScript domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor class instance should be initialized (the value of the locale variable can come from dojo.locale or a value injected server-side into a JSP page) and how it can be invoked to get a localized label.

Usage example of the domderrien.i18n.LocaleController.get()
(function() { // To limit the scope of the private variables

    var module = dojo.provide("");


    var _labelExtractor;

    module.init = function(/*String*/ locale) {
        // Get the localized resource bundle
        _labelExtractor = domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.init(
                locale // The library is going to fallback on dojo.locale if this parameter is null


    module._postData = function(/*String*/ url, /*Object*/ jsonParams) {
        var transaction = dojo.xhrPost({
            content : jsonParams,
            handleAs : "json",
            load : function(/*object*/ response, /*Object*/ioargs) {
                if (response == null) {
                    // Message prepared client-side
                    _reportError(_labelExtractor.get("dd2tu_xhr_unexpectedError"), [ioargs.xhr.status]);
                if (!response.success) {
                    // Message prepared server-side
                    _reportError(_labelExtractor.get(response.messageKey), response.msgParams);
            error : function(/*Error*/ error, /*Object*/ ioargs) {
                    // Message prepared client-side
                _reportError(error.message, [ioargs.xhr.status]);
            url : url

    var _reportError = function(/*String*/ message, /*Number ?*/xhrStatus) {
        var console = dijit.byId("errorConsole");


})(); // End of the function limiting the scope of the private variables

The following series of code excerpts show the pieces involved in getting the localized resources with the Python programming language.

LabelExtractor methods definitions from domderrien/i18n/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import en
import fr
def init(locale):
    """Initialize the global dictionary for the specified locale"""
    global dict
    if locale == "fr":
        dict = fr._getDictionary()
    else: # "en" is the default language
        dict = en._getDictionary()
    return dict

Sample of a localized dictionary from domderrien/i18n/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
dict_en = {}
def _getDictionary():
    global dict_en
    if (len(dict_en) == 0):
    return dict_en
def _fetchDictionary(dict):
    dict["_language"] = "English"
    dict["dd2tu_applicationName"] = "Test Application"
    dict["dd2tu_welcomeMsg"] = "Welcome {0}."

Definitions of filters used by the Django templates, from domderrien/i18n/
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
def get(dict, key):
    return dict[key]
def replace0(pattern, value0):
    return pattern.replace("{0}", str(value0))
def replace1(pattern, value1):
    return pattern.replace("{1}", str(value1))
register = webapp.template.create_template_register()

Django template from domderrien/blog/Test.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <title>{{ dictionary|get:dd2tu_applicationName }}</title>
    <div class="...">{{ dictionary|get:dd2tu_welcomeMsg|replace0:parameters.loggedUser }}</div>

Test handler from domderrien/blog/
from google.appengine.api import users
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template

def prepareDictionary(Request):
    locale = request.get('lang', 'en')
    return LabelExtractor.init(locale)

class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        parameters = {}
        parameters ['dictionary'] = domderrien.i18n.LabelExtractor.init(self.request)
        parameters ['loggedUser'] = users.get_current_user()
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'domderrien/blog/Test.html')
        self.response.out.write(template.render(path, parameters))

application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
    [('/', MainPage)],
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

Generate the localized bundles per programming language

In my previous post Internationalization of GAE applications, I suggest to use a dictionary format that would be programming lnaguage agnostic while being known by translator: TMX, for Tanslation Memory eXchange.

Snippet of a translation unit definition for a TMX formatted file
<tu tuid="dd2tu_welcomeMessage" datatype="Text">
 <tuv xml:lang="en">
  <seg>Welcome {0}</seg>
 <note>{0} is going to be replaced by the logged user's display name</note>
 <prop type="x-tier">dojotk</prop>
 <prop type="x-tier">javarb</prop>
 <prop type="x-tier">python</prop>

The two-tiers-utils library provides a Java runtime that generates the resource bundles for Java/JavaScript/Python. If a simple series of XSL-Transform runs can do the job, the TMXConverter does a bit more by:
  • Comparing the modification dates of the generated files with the TMX one to generate them only if needed
  • Check the uniqueness of the label keys
  • Generate the list of supported languages
Invoking the TMXConverter runtime from an ant build file is very simple, while a bit verbose:

Ant target definition invoking the TMXConverter
<target name="step-tmx-convert">
    <mkdir dir="${temp.dir}/resources" />
    <mkdir dir="src/WebContent/js/domderrien/i18n/nls" />
    <java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true">
        <classpath refid="tmxconverter.classpath" />
        <classpath location="${temp.dir}/resources" />
        <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" />
        <arg value="-tmxFilenameBase" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.localizedLabelBaseFilename}" />
        <arg value="-sourcePath" />
        <arg value="${basedir}\src\resources" />
        <arg value="-jsDestPath" />
        <arg value="${basedir}\src\WebContent\js\domderrien\i18n\nls" />
        <arg value="-javaDestPath" />
        <arg value="${temp.dir}/resources" />
        <arg value="-languageFilenameBase" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.languageListFilename}" />
        <arg value="-buildStamp" />
        <arg value="${dd2tu.stageId}" />
    <mkdir dir="src/WebContent/js/domderrien/i18n/nls/en" />

With the TMX file as the source of thruth for the label definitions, it is just a matter of altering the value a <prop/> tag and running the build once again to move one label definition from one programming language to another. No more error prone copy-and-paste of text between different file formats!

Excerpt of the generated Java resource bundle
dd2tu_applicationName="Test Application"
dd2tu_welcomeMessage=Welcome {0}

Excerpt of the generated JavaScript resource bundle
dd2tu_applicationName:"Test Application",
dd2tu_welcomeMessage:"Welcome ${0}",

Excerpt of the generated Python class definition
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
dict_en = {}
def _getDictionary():
    global dict_en
    if (len(dict_en) == 0):
    return dict_en
def _fetchDictionary(dict):
    dict["_language"] = "English"
    dict["dd2tu_applicationName"] = "Test Application"
    dict["dd2tu_welcomeMsg"] = "Welcome {0}."
    dict["x_timestamp"] = "20091001.1001"


The TMXConverter being part of the build process and going over all localized TMX files, it generates the list of supported languages.

JSP code fetching a HTML &ltselect/> box with the list of supported languages
<span class="topCommand topCommandLabel"><%= LabelExtractor.get("rwa_loginLanguageSelectBoxLabel", locale) %></span>
    title="<%= LabelExtractor.get("rwa_loginLanguageSelectBoxLabel", locale) %>"
    ResourceBundle languageList = LocaleController.getLanguageListRB();
    Enumeration<String> keys = languageList.getKeys();
    while(keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        String key = keys.nextElement();%>
        <option<% if (key.equals(localeId)) { %> selected<% } %> value="<%= key %>"><%= languageList.getString(key) %></option><%
    } %>

The following figures illustrates the corresponding code in action.

Part of a login screen as defined with the default (English) TMX file.

Part of a login screen as defined with the French TMX file.


The two-tiers-utils library is offered with the BSD-like license. Anyone is free to use it for his own purposes. but I'll appreciate any feedback, contribution, and feature requirement.

See you on ;)
“May the fork be with you.”

A+, Dom